Locked up at night???

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Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2012
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Riverside, California, USA
Sorry in advance for post being so long.

OK so we've had Twig's for about 2 months (he's 2 yrs old) and man has it not taken him long to become SPOILED!!!

For the first few weeks he was in is a 3x5 corner of the dinning room we would let him out for a couple of hours in the evening when we were all home and watching TV. As time as gone on we've been letting him out more and more. Now he get's let out as soon as the first person is up in the morning and left out all day. He even stays out when were are gone running around. The only time he doesn't get let out is if we all leave in the morning for work (twice a week for me) or a day trip.

Now the evening is different. Around 6:30 he things he's starving and will start stomping until he's fed and that's when he gets locked up. But then he sits there looking at like why am I here on not out with you. It's really pretty sad looking.

SO would you let him out all night or put him away???
That is an entirely personal choice! :) Our cookie is a house bun, when we are home but has never been left out when we haven't been here... I have left him alone while I went upstairs to clean or shower or while I was baking in the kitchen... He is in his enclosure at night too, just because he isn't aloud in our bedroom, because of my mild allergies and because we have dogs, and altho they all get along splendidly I wouldn't ever want them together without at least partial supervision.

I'm sure whatever you chose would be best!
He's funny. At first we only let him in the living room & dinning room. It's all one great room. But about 2-3 weeks ago we took the gate down to let him see move of the house but he won't leave the living room. Our house is mostly tile and I don't think he likes the fact that he slides on it.
So many rabbits who are left to roam when everyone else is asleep or away get into things, some of them dangerous to them, that I personally would not want to do it. But some people would never keep them confined, even in a good space like your 15 sq ft area. However, maybe you might want to let him out again from 7:30PM until whatever, as long as someone is up & at home. Or if someone has something sedentary to do in the evening, he/she could join him in his area while doing that.
I would not leave a rabbit out of the cage unattended. It is really a big safety issue. You can't monitor them to keep them out of things and it only takes a moment for them to chew something they shouldn't. There is also the issue of an emergency. If there is a fire or something at night, you need to know where your rabbit is to get out fast. If you are not around and emergency workers come into your house, it is much easier for them to get your rabbit out if he is in a safe place. They tend to look for a cage and don't have time to look in every small area for a rabbit who would probably be hiding.
I let Rue have run of our apartment when I am home but she goes in her cage at night. I actually have a large dog kennel that I use as her cage so she can still play and move around but she can't get into anything. My entire apartment is bunny proof. Not a single wire on the floor and any spots she could fit into are fenced off from her but I still don't feel comfortable letting her run at night. She even goes to her cage when I go out. Otherwise she is a spoiled bun and has free run of the place.

Rues cage. I just snapped a pic of it. I still need to clean it as I clean it twice a day. I tried to get her to sit in front of it but shes to busy running around and bucking like a horse and chasing my dog lol.


Harriet gets locked up at night, but when she starts making a lot of racket at 6AM I let her out and return to bed. My biggest concern is that my dog sleeps on my bed. She cannot jump off, but Harriet can jump up (crazy brave bunny, wussy dog...) and I'm afraid they might fight and injure each other before I have a chance to realize what's going on if I were in a deep sleep.
My buns have half a room per pair for now, soon to be all four in the whole room together. We let them run around the house when we are home, but they have to "go home" at night and if we are at work. I don't feed them dinner until it is bed time, so they are very willing to go home when asked.
I keep Weston in his cage at night and when I am gone. He likes to sleep in there during the day too, until 4 or 5. When he gets up I let him on on my bed until around 10 (when I go to bed). I would let him have access to my entire room but it is not even close to being safe for him.
My Horatio is locked up whenever I am not home, but when I am there he has the whole study (his room), and then the rest of the apartment at night with us until we go to bed. I'm sure he would be absolutely fine to be out in his room 24/7 because he is just perfect with chewing and toilet training, but I worry too much something might go wrong (something falls on him etc.), and I wouldn't be there or would be asleep and wouldn't hear it.

Like other people have said though, it's just personal choice. Some people have free roaming rabbits 24/7, others like the piece of mind of having them safe in a cage when they aren't there.
My house is completely bunny proofed (and I mean I was OCD about it!) but I still but Bunny to bed in his cage at night. He gets full run of the house all day, even when I am not there, BUT he is a very well behaved bun. I think it just depends if someone's bunny has the tendency to get into things when they aren't supervised. Bunny gets some lettuce treats at bedtime so he always just runs right in the cage :eats:
I hate it too. I feel guilty every time I have to put Agnes away. But I know deep down it's for her safety.

She has free run most of the time in our finished basement. When I'm gone or away from her too long or at night, she is in her cage.

The only place I let her have free run unsupervised or when I'm gone is in our bathroom. It's a fairly good sized full bathroom and tile and there isn't anything she could get to. But, even though I put her toys and blankets in there, she doesn't like it. I think she would rather be in her cage!

Anyway, long answer short I agree with the posters who say there is too many dangers for a rabbit unsupervised.
Our buns get locked in their cage overnight. We let them out in the morning, but they are confined to one room that is bunny-proofed. When we get home in the evening they can have free reign of the house, but George is scared of walking on the hardwood, so we are currently working on getting him to do that.
It really depends on you and how you feel about it. I just couldnt, my house is empty until about 4ish. My husband gets home and its Oreo's time to be free. Then I get home about an hour later and another hour after that its Bugsy's turn.. then its Oreo's and then Bugsy lol until we go to bed. I have half of my boys room bunny proofed, so the babies are free roam since hubby gets home until we go to bed. Its a lot of work. I cant wait to get Bugs fixed...!!!!