As promise, here you find an images of the new habitat:
I have to say that it didn't have quite a good reception from my wife. She thinks that to use that kind of plain bottom is unhealthy and unclean.
“Pancha” is getting use to litter but still drop her pills and sometime urine outside of it.
So my wife tends to prefer the wire floor cages (Covered with plastic grid to make it more comfortable).
I think that the new cage is far better than the older one but well, she is not convinced.
At the moment I’m using a litter box way too big.
I put wood pellets, then a wire frame and then a plastic grid.
Reading this article: I understand that there I shouldn´t need all this stuff and that I could just a smaller box (maybe half size of the actual), with wood pellets and maybe hay on it (In Argentina I can find just Alfalfa hay)
That could be OK? Could be dangerous if the rabbit stay/eat hay/ dig in the litter where she urinate and defecate?
Anyway I’m quite sure that my wife will be “horrified” from this kind of litter…