Living World Deluxe Habitat Standard Size

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yup, those will work! :)


I really thank you a lot!!!

"Pancha" will have a better and healthier life thanks to all you nice people!

These days I'll read all the forum to get more info about these lovely animals.

Step one completed! "Pancha" is in her new house. Today or tomorrow I'll upload some pics. Ciao.
As promise, here you find an images of the new habitat:

I have to say that it didn't have quite a good reception from my wife. She thinks that to use that kind of plain bottom is unhealthy and unclean.

“Pancha” is getting use to litter but still drop her pills and sometime urine outside of it.

So my wife tends to prefer the wire floor cages (Covered with plastic grid to make it more comfortable).

I think that the new cage is far better than the older one but well, she is not convinced.

At the moment I’m using a litter box way too big.
I put wood pellets, then a wire frame and then a plastic grid.

Reading this article: I understand that there I shouldn´t need all this stuff and that I could just a smaller box (maybe half size of the actual), with wood pellets and maybe hay on it (In Argentina I can find just Alfalfa hay)

That could be OK? Could be dangerous if the rabbit stay/eat hay/ dig in the litter where she urinate and defecate?

Anyway I’m quite sure that my wife will be “horrified” from this kind of litter…



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It looks good! Pancha looks happy in her little rabbit home. Instead of using a smaller litter box, you could take the grate off of it and put hay in there at the end that she doesn't potty on . Sometimes having a grate on the litter makes it hard for a rabbit to first learn how to be litter box trained, so taking the grate out might help her learn to use the litter box better. It doesn't hurt to have the hay in there. It actually helps them to learn to use the litter box better as they will poop and pee while they eat hay. If she pees on the hay it won't hurt anything, she just won't eat that part of the hay. I have a rabbit that I had a small litter box for, but she kept peeing outside the litter box, so I got a bigger one and now she is really good at using it. I put a layer of wood pellets in the bottom, then I put a layer of hay over it and a pile of hay at the opposite end from where she usually pees. My rabbit will also sleep in her litter box on the pile of hay. I keep the peed on stuff cleaned out every other day, so she's not getting wet from her urine or anything, and if you put a layer of hay over the pellets, that also helps the pee drain to the pellets and helps keep the rabbit from laying in it. This is what seems to work best for my rabbit as she doesn't like a grate in her litter box.

So cute!!! Your rabbit is really enjoying life in the. Thank you for the advice!

Pancha doesn’t spend much time in the litter… just to pee, so it’s a space that she doesn´t use and it´s a pity, considering that the cage in not “huge”.

To have wood pellets and hay on it feel more natural and “rabbit friendly” that a plastic grid. She will surely enjoy it.

I should probably find a cheaper hay to use as bedding… in Argentinian pet shops I can just find expensive Alfalfa hay but there are a lot of places with horses (stables, race places etc.)… So, there should be a hay provider as well… I just hope that I’ll not have to buy a whole bale hahaha.

Thanks and ciao
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Actually buying a whole bale is usually a lot cheaper than buying a little bag at the pet shop. Here in the US it's $4 for a 3 lb. bag of hay in the store. I can buy a 50 lb bale of horse hay for $5 from a farmer. You could try and see if a race stable will sell you a bale. They usually have good grass hay for their horses, and grass hay will be better for your rabbit too, instead of just the alfalfa.
Pancha looks really happy in her new home. I can sympathise with you as I have real trouble finding hay supplies and some of the stuff you can get so easily in the States. I´m currently waiting for one of the local markets to stock the enclosures again. They come in metal grids and I can tie them with zip ties. That´s what I´m using to make their living area much bigger but I only have six and want to buy six more but have to wait until they stock them again at the local Lidl store. It´s such a pain.

But, having said that, you do get quite inventive to provide stuff for them. I´m sure you´ll manage to make a wonderful home for little Pancha.

Hasta pronto Pancha.
Pancha died few minutes ago.

I can´t really understand how it could happen.

Two days ago she was really vital, jumping and playing all around. She was loving her new habitat and we were training her to stay in the kitchen So she could move freely at least 7/8 hours a day. She was quite litter trained and her place was always clean.

I did a lot of investigation and kilometers to buy the right materials and foods and she was receiving attentions and love.

Then gastroenteritis came. I cannot understand what could be the problem. The only possibility is some cardboard I gave her to play, making like a “tube”.

When I went in the kitchen I saw that there were pieces in the floor. I didn´t worry too much because I red in Internet that cardboard was not a problem. During the night or morning she started to have diarrea.

I cannot find another explication.
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I'm so sorry :'( Sometimes we just don't know unless you get a bunny autopsy.
Both my daughter and my nephew’s rabbit died. I'm not sure about what caused the death of our rabbit but I discovered, speaking with people of a petshop, that the breeder was really not a good one.
I'm really sorry about your bunny. It's so sad to lose them. Digestive problems can be a common thing with rabbits. I don't think it would have been the cardboard, though I guess it's possible. Usually though it has to do with the rabbits pelleted food. Rabbits can also get bacteria or parasites that can make them sick as well. One of my favorite pet rabbits died this summer from a similar problem. Some rabbits are just more sensitive than others.

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