Little Question

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yeah, you can try it and see how introductionsgo. Some females arent as aggressive unspayed, but some are. It justdepends on the personality.
Its just that i was browsing through rabbitrehome .org and i spied this gorgeous baby girl. Will is gettingneutered soon and they will only hold her for 3 weeks (normally, butthey aremaking an excepetion seeing as its to get Willneutered) but i can't afford to get her spayed until Jan next year, soi thought i could get her and then get her neutered next year so i dontmiss out on the oppurtunity! Thanks though, i'm gonna talk to therescue as they pre-bond all bunnies for a few days for you so you don'thave to worry about ending up with 2 seperate cages when you onlywanted one!
Thats great news that Will might be getting a lady friend!

Im sure the rescue will tell you this, but Will would have to wait atleast 6 weeks or so after the surgery before he could be around anunspayed female.

Would your mom let you set up a little NIC pen in your room until afterWill is altered and they are bonded? So you dont miss out on thislittle one.

Good Luck!

Yeah, i do know that. They're making the allowance of holding her for another 6 weeks rather than their usual 3 because of this.

She may let me keep a little one somewhere in the hosue (althoughprobably not my room as its tiny!). I have Will's old outdoor hutchwhich is really very small for him but seeing as she is only a baby itmight well be OK for her for at least a month or so. Plus i can juststack it ontop of Will's hutch so it wont do anything except block thekitchen window (with its view onto a balnk fence :p) for a few weeks!

I'll speak to the vets surgery and see if i can get the date broughtforward for his neutering, as it was planned to be done 2 weeks today,but if i can get it done within this next week it will make it easierto sort everything out. I'll chat to ym mum too about driving 45minutes to pick her up aswell!

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