Little Help

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Oct 26, 2011
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Perth, , United Kingdom

Am looking for some help. My rabbit who is at the vet has stomach stasis when searching on google comes up as GI Stasis. Now my vet says thay cant help her and i should put her down but when looking at some of the GI topic thay are ways to help a bunnie recover from GI Stasis now my bunnie is eating for the vet but she just will not poo.

Am bring the rabbit home so i can help her better. It would be better for her with me seeing as she has bounded to me. I can give her some love she would feel a lot safer here with me not with the vet

Just wondering if any one could help give some tips anything like that.

Thank you
If a vet feels that a rabbit who has GI stasis should be euthanized that tells me that he know nothing about rabbits. You need to get her home and fine another vet to help with the siutation.

I am unsure re. your location but will give you the links to other vets in the UK

Do you know what this vet is doing that got her eating again? if she has stasis and is eating on her own this is a VERY POSITIVE sign and half the battle is already won. She needs to have a lot offluids so if she is not drinking on her own possibly the vet can teach you how togive her subqutaneous fluids ( giving fluids under the skin)

it is very important to keep a rabbit with stasis hydrated ...if she is eating again it is also very important tooffer her hay to help get the GI tract moving or wet veggies.

I will give you the links from the library re. stasis and you can look them over.

Most of us have had rabbits with GI stasis and most of the time the rabbits come out of it with a diligent caretaker and a good vet ..but actually the owner can do a lot herself to help the bun.
Keep asking questions and I do advise bringing the bun home if the vet is still recommending euthanasia
Thank you alot. I now have the bunny home and when at the vet she said if the bunny does not poo in 24hr i should put her down

My bunny is now poo little but still pooing there black little hairy. Shes eating grass that i have coverd in water and she is happy to eat away at it.. she has been moveing alot better then she was even jumping..

But the vet was mosty just wanting me to put her down on a another bad not thay gave her stuff for fleas without asking me. My rabbit does have some thing up with her skin taken her to the vet asked them about it all i got was dandruff or it was to hot in my house but when i got there today to take my bunny home i was told she had mites but when my mum phoned she was told thay didnt know what it was and what did she want them to do about it in a rude way

been givens meds i have emeprid,bayril,zantac,critical care

I found out bayril could couse my bunny to stop pooing even more
Yay for poop! I'm so glad you didn't listen to the vet. If she's starting to poop, that's an excellent sign. Just keep giving her the wet grass and monitor her condition.

Baytril is an antibiotic and while it's good for treating infections, it's basically useless for bouts of stasis. And, yes, it could definitely make her worse.

The Critical Care is good. Make sure you wet it really good (I understand it's better to make it wetter than the instructions call for) and offer her some of that. It should help keep things moving along.

Zantac is for gas, but I don't know if it's safe for rabbits. And I have no idea what the Emeprid is. Better to hold off on those till one of the Infirmary mods can advise you.

A probiotic would definitely help. I don't know if there's Benebac or Probios available in the UK, but see if you can find some. It will help balance out the good bacteria in her digestive system.

Hope that helps!

I have always used baby simithicone for gas in my buns, it works great with a tummy rub. Canned pumpkin (no spices, just the pumpkin) is also a good way to get moist fiber into the system.

I'm so glad you didn't listen to the vet. It sounds like they really don't know what they are doing. Best of luck!
Thank you for everyones help keep giveing her Critical Care
and thats it..Given her more wet grass some wagg to see if she will eat it.

Takeing her to a savy rabbit vet at 2 tommorow

My rabbit right now little scard i had found out she was beside dogs/cat when staying at the vets last night dont think thay feed her so nicely she is covered in mush stuff under her mouth

Right now shes eating some more poo happy at that but she just siting about or hinding in her card board box

Thinks she a little sleepy am going to stay with her all night..

Would pineapple junice help?
mm, unless there's a hairball I don't think pinapple juice.
You said she's on Baytril? Jelly (my old holland lop) Went into stasis really bad when she was on that. I would try syringing water into her if she's not doing better. Also, you might try baby gas-x (simethicone) Also, feed ANY wet green leafys &maybe some carrot. IF she'll eat it, fead it. Yes and do critical care, but keep it watered down to get as much liquid in as possible. One thing that helped TONS when Jelly was in stasis was sub-q fluids at the vet. Not expensive at all either, only I think it was like $20.00, and it totally jumpstarted her system and she was pooping suddenly LOTS everywhere!
Good luck, I'll keep you can your bunny in my prayers!
Am not sure what my rabbit has it may be gas she may have a hairball but her poops do have hair in them so thats why am asking..

Takeing bambi to a new vet maybe thay may give me sub-q fluids or i will ask :D

She is eating wet grass from my back door... As much of it as she can

Right now shes just resting with a nice hot water bottel and geting some tummy rubs from mommy:biggrin2:

Pineapple juice would has to be fresh from the pineapple and not canned or bottled ...maybe a few cc's a few times per day
What was given for fleas; some products are very dangerous for rabbits :(and considering this vet is not knowledgeable I think that you should find out what was applied... only Revolution and advantage are safe for a bunny

be careful feeding a lot of wet grass as I am afraid that this could cause bloat and/or gas ; hay ( dried grass is way better)

Definitely get a probiotic

critical care is great and should bemixed with a lot of water and then let to sit at least 5 minutes so it will absorb the water; if it is still thick stir in more water....

Critical care contains both timothy hay and probiotics ; I used to have a bun that would eat it out of a bowl .. it would be great if your bunny likes it.

Many of my rabbits have gone over 24 hrs without pooping from stasis and none of them suffered any ill effect..eventually with treatment started to poop and are still here with me in this room . :)
The danger is if they do noteat or drink for 24 hrs

You can spike the water bowl with a little apple juice to encourage drinking ...

I will look at this thread in more detail later tonight but have to go to my mom's right now
Good Luck :)
Thank you, I belive thay gave her Xeno and it was for fleas. My rabbit does not have fleas never has had them. she has been haveing a fur & skin issue that i have made clear to the vet on many times but thay said it was the heating in my house or dandruff.. Now when i picked her up i was told she had mites but when my mum had phoned them she was told thay didnt know and gave her it for pocosin...but thay never phoned to ask me or my mum if thay could give her xeno or even let us know

This vet is chargeing my mum 150 for this and really the meds the gave me are no good thay gave wrong info my dad was geting she dieing her back is broken her legs are gone put her down.. My mum was geting she not poo put her down if shes not better by tonight we going to put her down everything from this vet was just to put this rabbit down.. But when she gave home to me i was not aloud to go see her at all so that didnt help the vet was told she would not eat or take meds from them seeing as she does not know them and would do bette in my care.. The rabbit is very close with me i have 2 more rabbit and she will not bond with them but she bounded with me:biggrin2:

My bunny is pooping a good bit now thx to the pineapple juice.

She has eaten on and off and is takeing water from a syringe
on her own.. and has been willen to take pineapple juice from a syringe to she just want take the critical care without me raping her up

She seems to find it hard to drink from the water ball and food ball never have i had this with her. Under her mouth seems to be dryed in food or something maybe couseing some pain when geting water or food

may try watering down her food she if that may help
Glad to see that your bunny is doing better.

Yes if the vet is saying that you should put down your bunny if she/he isn't pooping within 24 hours, the vet is not very knowledgeable with bunnies. I would go for a new vet, a rabbit savvy vet, one that has a lot of experience with rabbits.

I don't know about Xeno, and I never heard of it. I would keep an eye on your rabbit just in case there are any problems with it.

Keep up the critical care and the pineapple juice. If your rabbit is a medium size rabbit, should be getting at least 10cc's of pineapple juice for 5 to 10 days.

Sweetie, my lionhead mix female, had mild GI stasis and gas and I had to give her simethicone and pineapple juice along with her hay and water. I cannot remember how long I had to give her the pineapple juice.
Thank you.. Am not sure what kind of GI stasis she has the vet didnt really know to..

Taken her to a better vet today

Siting with her now its about 5:11am shes still pooing little and eating bits here and there i think shes more sleepy then anything..

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