Litterbox training

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New Member
Feb 12, 2012
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Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Hello all....Im new here and wondered if i could get some advice about how to litterbox train my bunnies and how long does it usually take for them to get it down? I have decided that i want to use a large pet playpen or C&C to make them a cage rather then the usual small cages sold at petstores so i need to litterbox train them first...Appreciate any/all advice!! Mahalo!
How long really depends on the rabbit, some take to it within a couple days while others can take months. Generally rabbits who are spayed or neutered are easier to litter train, but intact rabbits can be trained as well. Young rabbits can also be harder to train as they usually don't have full control over when and where the pee and poop, but you can work on it and hope they get better as they get a bit older.

If they are already using one area of the cage to pee and poop, put the litter box in that area. Hopefully your rabbits will start to use the box.
If they are not using one area, then you put the box in a corner. Sweep up the poops in the cage and put those in the box. If you can get some pee, soak that with paper towel and put it in the box. You will need to keep the cage clean, so don't use shavings or other litter in the cage, but a blanket or towel could be used. Keep spot cleaning the cage a couple times a day, spraying the used areas with white vinegar does help too. It can take a little while for the rabbits to understand to use the litter box, but most will use it eventually.

When you do move them to a larger cage, the litter habits could suffer for a bit. This is due to them wanting to make the area and theirs. Don't clean the litter box before you move them, you can spot clean but leave dirty litter in it. You will have to keep the new cage clean until they start to use the litter box normally.
The small-animal exercise pens [xpens] work well. They usually come in 8 connected panels that can be configured as a circle, a square, etc.
How old are they & what breeds?
LakeCondo~ they are Holland Lops and they are about 7 weeks is broken blue the other is tortoise. Im still trynna figure out how to put pics up. I cant find my camera and only have my cell phone camera so ill have to work on that..
I have no experience with rabbits that young; Honey was already litter box trained when I got her from a rescue group. But you don't need to train them first before going to a pen. Just cover the floor with something waterproof & easy to clean. You'll want it later for when they're messy with their hay. A sheet of linoleum works well, or you could just untape some cardboard boxes & put them down.

Just put a big litter box in one corner & when they "go" somewhere, move the waste into the box so they associate the area with waste. If they use another corner a lot, move the box there.

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