Hey all, firstly I would like to thank everyone for their replies to my recent posts. It has been enormously helpful in aiding me to set up my new bun's cage and being prepared for the first few days. However, I have a litter box training question.
First the Facts- New 11 week old female bunny (spayed), dutch, living in 2 story NIC condo (2 grid by 3 grid but second story is currently blocked to limit her space for behavior and litter training).
Issue- The first 48 hours are done. I SOMEHOW managed to not try and pet her or invade her space despite her absolutely gorgeous fur (except food and cleaning ONLY pee and putting it into litter box). However, now I have to start planning some free run time so she can be strong and her muscles don't atrophy.
The Question- Do you guys limit roaming time/space in the early weeks for litter box training. I feel letting my bunny get free roam of my apartment or even just my bed room for 2 hours will be counter productive to litter training and the concept that I should limit her space. So how do I balance this need to let her run and explore with litter training? Would setting up a 4x4 xpen for the first few weeks be good? Should I limit her time out to say 2 hours? I just don't understand how I can litter train and limit her space when I am also supposed to give her all of these hours outside the cage to run and explore (though I cannot wait until I can give her the run of my room
). Any tips?
First the Facts- New 11 week old female bunny (spayed), dutch, living in 2 story NIC condo (2 grid by 3 grid but second story is currently blocked to limit her space for behavior and litter training).
Issue- The first 48 hours are done. I SOMEHOW managed to not try and pet her or invade her space despite her absolutely gorgeous fur (except food and cleaning ONLY pee and putting it into litter box). However, now I have to start planning some free run time so she can be strong and her muscles don't atrophy.
The Question- Do you guys limit roaming time/space in the early weeks for litter box training. I feel letting my bunny get free roam of my apartment or even just my bed room for 2 hours will be counter productive to litter training and the concept that I should limit her space. So how do I balance this need to let her run and explore with litter training? Would setting up a 4x4 xpen for the first few weeks be good? Should I limit her time out to say 2 hours? I just don't understand how I can litter train and limit her space when I am also supposed to give her all of these hours outside the cage to run and explore (though I cannot wait until I can give her the run of my room