Litter training issues

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May 20, 2006
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I have two rabbits that are bonded and littertrained. Lately the male rabbit has been peeing in random places. Henever pees in the same place but he also still goes in his litter box.Does anyone know why he does this? I need to know some answers soonbecause I rent my apartment and if I can't make him stop I am going tohave to find a new home for him. Please help me. I have triedEVERYTHING including starting all over with the litter training processwith him.
Is he neutered? He might be marking histerritory. If he's not neutered, then adults can loose their litterhabits as they get older. Neutering can help with the liter box habitsbecause they aren't as likely to want to mark their territory.

If he is, then he could just be getting lazy? Where is he peeing? Like on the carpet or something?

Try buying a few more liter boxes and put them where he's going to thebathroom, maybe he needs some more reasurance? Before you do this, makesure you clean where he's been so he doesn't think to go again in thatspot. You could use vinegar, I use this on plastic cages and it reallyworks with getting their scent out.

Hopefully this helps!
Thank you for your advice. He is neutered. Ihave several litter boxes out but he finds that sitting in them is allthey are good for. He uses them occasionally but he doesn't go in justone or two places. He has almost created an entire line along the wallsin the area of his cage. I continue to clean them thoroughly with a petodor product but I didn't think about using vinegar.

I even tried only letting him roam in a very small area for quite sometime but he peed before he ever advanced to more play space.
I had a simmilar problem with Devon when he wasabout 3 months old (and before he was neutered). He would urinateeverywhere. When he would pee in the wrong place I would soak up someof the urine with a paper towel and then bury that towel in his litterbox. It did the trick. He started going to the bathroom in only twocorners. Because there were only two spots, I just gave in and added asecond litter box. Now he has perfect litter habits, except for theoccasional stray poop (but hey, that's easy to clean up:)).
I have the same problem. Mine are both 3 monthsold. They started going in 2 corners so I placed litter boxes there.that was fine for a bit. Now they go in the litter boxes aswell aseverywhere else in the hutch. I have tried cleaning the whole hutch outwith vinegar then placing the litter boxes back in with some of theirpoop still in it.

I have sprinkled and soaked areas of the hutch in malt vinegar(whiteone) but nothing seems to help. Neither are neutered and are still abit young.

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