Litter training help? Please!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
Reaction score
Brampton, Ontario, Canada
Okay, so my set up is an igloo on one side with his water next to it.

Then his food near his litter box, and then his litter box is next to his hay attachment thing.Should I put his food IN his litter box? Since I know everyone says they poop and eat at the same time.

His litter box has aspen in it until this weekend, I want to look into something else because he seems to just think this is a bed.

I'm wondering what are some tips for litter training and how can I get him to stop sleeping in his litter box?

I know they like having their hay in it, so this is why I put his hay attachment thing next to it and filled with hay. I also put some IN the box with him.

But he seems to like to poop everywhere BUT there. Mostly in the middle of the box.

I would also like some tips on how to clean his cage, it has a little grid at the bottom and catches everything, so I just can't get it super clean. Grrr...

I'm having to clean his cage 2 - 3 times a day because he keeps stepping in his pee and he's stinky. :p I've been wiping him with a vet paper towel too.

I just... Don't know what to do. I was hoping he'd be litter trained so it wouldn't have to clean his entire cage everyday. Will he ever be litter trained? ):

This is a quick MS paint picture of what his set up looks like.

Hope this helps.
What kind of cage is he in exactly? Have you been wiping up the pee with a paper towel and placing that paper towel into the litter box?

He is just a baby, so he will get better with his litter training. All of my bunnies had litter trained themselves (even before being neutered), but it did take some hard/constant work to get them to that point. I don't really care about poop outside of the litter box (mine only go in the box, thankfully), but the pee can be a real pain.

I honestly think you are doing just what you are supposed to. Hopefully little Harley will catch on soon :).

This is the cage we have. Took out the second level until he's litter trained since he liked to go underneath it and it's hard to take on and off.

I haven't been putting the paper towel in his litter box, should I be doing this? I was worried he would eat it and I didn't think it would be good for him seeing as it had his pee on it :p

He never peed on the bed/us today though. So thats an improvement. :3
Yep, you need to get his pee smell into his litter box, otherwise he won't realize what's it's supposed to be used for! Put his poops in there too. Eventually, he'll start to make the connection!

Also, do you have shavings on the floor of his cage too? If so, that may be confusing him as well.Try removing the shavings and only putting litter (many people use wood pellets) in his litter box--at least until he gets the idea what his litter box is for.

Hope that helps!

I was putting his poops in, but I'll start putting the pee paper towel in too.
The shavings are only in his litterbox.

He just loves to sleep in it, grrr.
I'm hoping he will stop that.

and thanks about the stove pellets, I was planning on looking into these. :3
I'm having the same issue with the Dutch rabbits I just got, even though they are spayed and neutered at 4 months of age which I thought was too young cause she did it a month ago which they would of only been 3 months old. She had bedding ALL over everywhere in there cage, so these guys pee EVERYWHERE, I'm trying to train them not to do that hopefully the same methods will work for me.
Honestly I think the biggest problem is just that he's still a baby. What is he, eight weeks? I thought my bunny Scotch would never end up litter trained when I first brought her home. I tried EVERYTHING! For WEEKS! My boyfriend mocked me the whole time too, since he never really believed me when I told him you could litter train a rabbit. He was probably bitter that she only had accidents on him. ;) However, once she was around 4 months, it pretty much happened overnight. Now there's no problem.

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