Well-Known Member
Just thought I'd post a liter box success storey.
I've been trying to litter box train Wildfire so she can have some outof cage time in my room. At first she would pee anywhere butthe litter box. I'd clean up the pee, put the tissue in thebox, and move the litter box to where she was peeing, and then she'dpee where the litter box was before!!
But today I got some white vinegar, and soaked the pee spots with it, and tried again.
Worked well, peed once on the floor, but I immediatly put some vinegar on it. And now she's going in the box!!
Hopefully she'll keep up the good work!!
I've been trying to litter box train Wildfire so she can have some outof cage time in my room. At first she would pee anywhere butthe litter box. I'd clean up the pee, put the tissue in thebox, and move the litter box to where she was peeing, and then she'dpee where the litter box was before!!
But today I got some white vinegar, and soaked the pee spots with it, and tried again.
Worked well, peed once on the floor, but I immediatly put some vinegar on it. And now she's going in the box!!
Hopefully she'll keep up the good work!!