litter box moving

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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2006
Reaction score
scottsville, Kentucky, USA
he will move his box, and then go potty where it was. he has two litterboxes in his cage because he likes to go in two spots.

anyone know where i can get some velcor?
What kind of cage do you have? Is itpossible to attach it to the cage with a binder clip or two?I have both bunnies' litterboxes AND hayracks attached to their cageswith binder clips. They're cheap, and can be found just aboutanywhere. :)
Somtimes, when I put his clean litterbox in,Zorro will tip and toss it to the other side of hiscage. I'll put it back, and then he'll use it,perfectly.

Bunnies are crazy.:)
Can you get flat, blunt-edged pieces ofmetal? That's what I use to weigh down litterboxes.Although Loki rarely does that now that he has other big toys (boxes,grass mat tunnels, etc) to lug around his pen.
They work really well. Themedium-sized ones are the PERFECT size to fit in the bars and have thestrength to hold things. Maisie's tried VERY hard to move thethings I've clipped (and she's quite strong), and hasn't been able todo it. :)

manda wrote:
my cage is made of nic cubes. yeah ive thought of using binder clips

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