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Pffffft....she is the naughtiest bunny that Iknow. She taught Mallory that it is okay to go pee pee and poo poooutside of the litter box, it's okay to dig out all your pellets fromyour bowl, its okay to dump your water bowl all over the floor thenpoop in the puddle of water so that it makes a HUGE mess.....OH...andit's okay to dig at the carpet, jump onto the bed and walk all overmommy's butt, throw the litter out of your litter box, mess up thecarpet in your cage then pee on it.....hrm.....there is plenty morethat I am missing.

She keeps me busy...that's all I have to say.

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts
Hmm......sounds like a typical lionhead to me....

Oh needed someone to keep you busy - right?

undergunfire wrote:
Pffffft....she is thenaughtiest bunny that I know. She taught Mallory that it is okay to gopee pee and poo poo outside of the litter box, it's okay to dig out allyour pellets from your bowl, its okay to dump your water bowl all overthe floor then poop in the puddle of water so that it makes a HUGEmess.....OH...and it's okay to dig at the carpet, jump onto the bed andwalk all over mommy's butt, throw the litter out of your litter box,mess up the carpet in your cage then pee on it.....hrm.....there isplenty more that I am missing.

She keeps me busy...that's all I have to say.

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts
Yup...Miss Madilyn Bunny and Ryan keep me busy.

That is why I tell him they are PERFECT for each other. Always making messes and talking back to me ;).

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts
This is Floyd we lost him a week ago and this isthe pic i wanted to post in the rainbow bridge but needed help to learnhow to reduce it! he was a gorgeous boy and the bunny that everyone whohas ever seen has fallen in love with, he was very generous with hiskisses
Yeah...hehe...if you put three w's in a row, thesite automatically tries to make a weblink for what youwrote. If you put a space between the last "w" and anyletters or characters (commas, etc.), it'll come out fine.

I'll go ahead and fix it up for ya. :)
Here is Scarlet, the ornery one



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