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OH! It's so unfair!!!! I wish I could take her right now. :(She's such a beautiful bunny and sounds like such a doll. *sigh* I hope my space situation changes soon. I would take her in a heart beat! Moving back down here was such a mistake... I miss San Antonio so much!



TinysMom wrote:

You are one of the very few people I would even consider adopting her out to. She's a sweetie and just so...I don't know...gorgeous but even her personality is sweet.

I need to give her a good grooming though...then take more photos...

Some of you may remember Saphira...

She had her babies on Valentine's day and we were worried about things and took her to the vet - turns out she has gas (and Mochi is fostering her litter).

Well - about 9 days ago, I had her out to run around and get some play time in the living room - and she disappeared. We looked in the garage - in other areas of the house - in the rabbitry. It was like she went "poof" and disappeared. I mean - we checked everywhere - but the garage is so disorganized....we figured she could be sneaking food from the floor from where the bucks knock it on the floor, etc.

Zin was calling me practically every day to check on Saphira - she knew I was pretty upset. I was really losing hope.

Needless to say - when we found Saphira today - I called her .... in tears. Poor Zin - she was like, "Why are you crying?" (I am known for crying a lot) and I was like, "These are tears of happiness....I have my girl back.."

Anyway - my girl is back - but she has lost a LOT of weight....I'm going to take her weight tonight in a bit.

She is alert and she has been drinking water from her water bottle and eating a tiny bit of hay.....I'm hoping to get her into the vet tomorrow to get a blood test done to check on her liver and kidneys.

I'm sharing all this to say - please send good thoughts and prayers Saphira's way. She was the one who made me realize I couldn't breed anymore - the thought of almost losing her before....just made me want to get out of breeding. I don't want to lose her now.

I have contacted Randy for help and I do have a treatment plan in place.....


Oh goodness, Peg. I'm sorry about Saphira, glad you found her and she's ok. I'll keep her in my thoughts and prayers. Give her some oatsies to get that weight back on-Yummy;).
AngelnSnuffy wrote:
Oh goodness, Peg. I'm sorry about Saphira, glad you found her and she's ok. I'll keep her in my thoughts and prayers. Give her some oatsies to get that weight back on-Yummy;).
Actually - we need to be careful to not get the weight on too fast....I have a list of a few things here - but right now we're gonna push hay and water. We have to see if her cecum was damaged and give it time to heal....or something like that.

I'm so happy she's alert though and we have found to get my girl back to health...

I thought y'all might like to see some more lionheads....

Just another day in the rabbitry for this black doe (I can't tell who it is from this pose)

I think this one is Twix....

Billy Sunny's sister - a lionlop like he is...

Ready for takeoff anyone?

I suppose I should give her a name other than "Billy Sunny's sister"

French vanilla - not sure exactly why I named her that - but it stuck...

It looks like Saphira isn't gonna make it to the vet today - I'm sick and there is no way I can get her in before Art needs the car for work. :X

I had a talk with her this morning. She's had probably 4 ounces of fluids in the last 18 hours - which really isn't too bad. She's also had some hay and a tiny bit of banana.

I explained to her that it was gonna take her a couple of months to get over her little excursion and to get her weight back on - that we couldn't push her by putting it on faster without possibly causing more damage. I told her she needed to understand this because it would mean not as many treats and more "healthy" stuff.

I got the butt...big time. Then she looked over her shoulder at me and gave me this priceless look....I'm not sure exactly what she was trying to say - but she was her usual spunky self in it.

She's pretty upset wtih me right now....but I really think she's gonna get better. Its hard cause I want to spoil her rotten right now - so happy to have her back, etc. Oh well....she'll do good I'm sure.

Remember to take LOTS of pictures of her Peg :biggrin2:that is a totally selfish request on my part though :p

Do you guys have any idea where she ended up or what she was doing?
Oh peg! I hope Saphira does ok. She's one of my very favorites! Why? I don't know - I just think she's a cutie!

tundrakatiebean wrote:
Remember to take LOTS of pictures of her Peg :biggrin2:that is a totally selfish request on my part though :p

Do you guys have any idea where she ended up or what she was doing?
Saphira just got a brand new cage from Walmart - and she's in the "penthouse" location by my desk. Isenstar is underneath her and she has a "balcony" for her cage - I'll have to take photos later and let you look.

I'm thinking that I'm going to lock Miss Bea and Zeus up sometimes and let these girls get a bit of play time too...

Saphira is munching on some hay and glaring at me. She's pretty upset that we had to "interfere" with her life I think.

I don't know what she did for 9 days....but we found her underneath Radagast's cage....(if Amy is reading this - it was the cage under Puck's that sits on top of the dog kennel the rabbits congregate in). She was in the pull out tray.

Honestly - I had seen her in it the day before - but then she ran to the other side of it (the cage is like 24 X 36 or something) and she looked black - not blue. We have had does before that would climb up there and snooze in that and then get down at suppertime and get back up I didn't think a lot about it. I peeked in at her and said, "I hope you know how to get down" and then I didn't see her there later when I walked by. Truly - she did a good job of hiding.

Was she there the whole 9 days? I don't know - I searched and searched and did I mention SEARCHED the rabbitry - along with many other places. At times I'd swear I heard bunny feet going on the tile - but I'd go to look and not find her.

We know she can climb because at one point before she disappeared - she climbed the gate into the rabbitry and was hanging there when Robin said her name and she got down.

All I know - and all that matters - is she's safe now.....and she's on the road to recovery.

I was going to take her to the vet - but to be honest - two things are hindering me right now.....well....three sort of.

  • Money
  • Illness - I'm not feeling great
  • I'm not sure the vet will even work with her to take the bloodwork since they don't work with rabbits and I really don't have the money to take her to the vet that is 70 miles away since we're looking at half a tank of gas in addition to the vet bill.
Also, I felt her today and she doesn't feel nearly as bad as she did last night when I was freaking out. Yes, I can feel her bones along the top of her body...but it isn't as bad as I've seen others get....and they recovered.

In addition - right now I'm sort of following her lead. She's eating hay - I see her munching on it several times a day. She's drinking water. She took a bit of banana. I'm watching to see if she has poops and stuff before I go much further or take her to the vet again. She freaked out a bit at the vet before - I'm not sure if the stress is worth it right now for the bloodwork....I mean - I'm not sure if she's bad enough to NEED the bloodwork that much if we go easy on her food.

I may take pictures of her later today on my desk - I haven't decided yet (I have to clean off my desk first). I also hope to take pictures of New Hope. He and Hefty are finally well enough to get out of the hospital and back into cages....and y'all are gonna be so shocked to see how GOOD New Hope looks. He was much much worse than Saphira with stasis and stuff (as was Hefty) and in really bad shape - yet we didn't do bloodwork on him....and I guess that's part of why I'm not freaking out now that I've had a chance to examine her better.

Anyway - I'll share more later....for now I'm letting her get used to her new penthouse cage...

I thought y'all might like to see some pictures of my office...

You can see the size of Miss Bea and Zeus' pen area - I close it up at night but leave it open during the day. I need to sweep it again.

This is the closet. I think Sport is in her cat condo...can't tell for sure. Audrey lives on the right side as you face the closet and Sport lives on the left side. Both girls have a cat condo that they love.

Robin just piled stuff on top of Cordelia's cage and Cassanova's cage because Zeus wanted to get on them this morning. I need to find more things to make their pens 2 NIC panels high so that Zeus and Miss Bea will stop their cage dancing.

Next we have George and Gracie....George is in the corner with Gracie beside him. I'm really shocked at how well Zeus and George get along.

Miss Bea's cage is on the bottom with the door open all the time (unless I have to lock her up). Zeus explored it today for a bit.

Isenstar's cage is in the middle. Her door stays open most of the time and she has a solid NIC panel that she can come out and sit on. She has been known to come out and grab a receipt off my desk and take it in her cage to play with. My desk drawer stays open a bit and supports her "porch" - along with Miss Bea's open door (which opens upward) keeping it supported too.

Finally - Miss Saphira is on the top - now in the penthouse cage area. I'm halfway waiting for her to realize she can back up to the corner and pee on Miss Bea and Zeus off to the side....

Update on Saphira- we have about half a dozen small poops from her....small and dry and hard....but still yet - it is something.

I'm giving her some gas meds too (not all the time) because sometimes she looks a bit uncomfortable. I'm about to give her the 2nd dose she's it isn't like she's getting it a lot.

She's very alert - very grumpy - in other words .... like herself only a bit smaller...

Oh, I'm so glad you found her!! I thought since I hadn't heard again about it, you'd just found her, and things were okay...I didn't realize she had still been missing!

Goofy Saphira...not nice to worry Mama so badly!! :shame

But...I'm glad she's back in her cage, safe and sound again...and I'm happy to hear of the poops. I'm quite sure she'll recover just fine. :)
Grumpybutt - I mean - Saphira - passed a string of poops today. Its maybe 3" or 4" long - but teeny tiny little poos all together. I didn't see any hair in it right off...

She's eating at her hay (as long as I'm not around) - I've offered her 3 different kinds. She's also had a bit of banana (just a tiny bit) and I have seen her nibble on her food twice. She's drinking water really well too.

She's bright and alert and angry as can be at me. That makes me suspect she's gonna be fine.

She keeps glaring at me as if to say, "Will you just go away???" as if she doesn't want me to see her eat....but sometimes I will turn my head just so she doesn't think I'm watching and she'll nibble on her hay a bit.

I'm really really pleased with the progress she's making. I'd like to see more poops obviously but I think we're gonna see some in a couple more days as she continues to eat more.

Tiny passed away shortly before 8 pm on Sunday, Feb. 3rd. Around 10 am that morning I bred Girly Girl to Triad .... after that breeding I decided to get out of this is my last litter that is due...

and she had her babies tonight. FINALLY.

Here is Girly Girl....

She currently has 3 babies in the nest but I won't be surprised if she has another one or two before this time tomorrow (its happened more than once). Then again - maybe this is all she'll have.

The babies are healthy and wiggling and it looks like she fed them (ok - so I sorta watched her nurse them while cleaning things up).

She refuses to use a nestbox and insisted on making her nest right under the water bottle - just like last time. I still swear she thinks she can get them on water right off so she doesn't have to nurse them - OR - she wants to drink while nursing. Either way....they're gonna get moved to a more secure location for their safety.

I'm so happy - my last litter is here and I can hopefully stop worrying about does giving birth and about babies getting hurt by their mamas by mistake.

I just had to share.

Wonderful news that she had her did it go? How are they doing?

I'm glad you can relax now, Peg...:)

How are you doing? We haven't talked in a bit...
maherwoman wrote:
Wonderful news that she had her did it go? How are they doing?
The babies were looking good around noon - I haven't looked again. Mama is very antsy when I get near her I'll wait and check around bedtime tonight. However, her babies are big and fat...

I'm glad you can relax now, Peg...:)

Well - I can relax about that - I still will be rehoming rabbits and I still have to worry about the health of the ones we're keeping....but yes, a lot of the stress is removed.
How are you doing? We haven't talked in a bit...

Truth? or Fiction? Truth is.....I'm not really up to talking to folks most of the time. I do have a friend that calls me once or twice a day and we chat (and I enjoy it) - but other than that - I don't have the emotional energy to deal with people.

I'm trying to make myself confront the fact that I'm slipping into depression again - sleeping during the day and at night - wanting to avoid the house and people - stuff like that. Bless their hearts, Art & Robin are willing to not push me to get better but to just let me "be" for a bit....but the fact is, I need to go back to the "management plan" that my counselor & I devised for when this happened. Trouble is - I can't find it....

I thought a lot of it was hormonal and would start to go away....but instead, its getting worse right now. I think some of it is tied to the fact that as much as I love Zeus....he isn't Tiny (I knew he wouldn't be) - and in order to build a relationship with him - I need to get down on the floor on his level. But when I do that - I can't help remembering how if I was on the floor - Tiny would be all over me. So what I need to do to get close to Zeus - mainly causes me pain because it reminds me of what I lost. So of course if I'm sitting there crying - he's sort of scared to come over to me.

I know I'll get through this. And when I get out the other side - I'll look back and go, "PHEW...I made it...." and be stronger for it.

Till then, I tie and knot and hang on.....

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