Becc, I agree with everyone here, just give Lily hay for a day or two.
I lost my first bunny to a similar thing (she went down hill very fast after me first spotting there was trouble)
Her poopies were very runny granted she was taken from her mum way too young ( I didn't know that at the time)
I now know what to look for and what to do.
If your Lily has runny poos watch her closely, keep her water bottlefilled and no greens what so ever, hay yes, pellets yes, greens no.
Chloe my first bunny had chronic diahreah within hours and I had her tothe vet on a sunday night at 9pm, she went home with the vet and shepassed within a few hours.
I was told she was 6 1/2 - 7 weeks when we got her , I had her for justover 2 weeks and when she passed the vet put her at 7 weeks then, soyou could imagine this poor little creature going through so much painit was horrible. She stopped eating and then she stopped drinkingwhilst she was at the vets house.
I don't want to scare you, I just want to let you know it's important to watch Lilys poopies.
When they return to small little poops she is on the road to recovery,take it slow though returning her to her usual diet afterwards.
How old is Lily?
And do you have a vet nearby that you could call to ask for advice if you feel the need?
I hope Lily is going ok and is better soon