Lilly seems sick

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Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
Rosedale, Victoria, , Australia
hey everyone, this morning i went to check onLilly before school and give her fresh food and water and i noticedthere wasnt much food gone out of her bowl. He water was almost fulltoo. Yesterday I also noticed that she'd had diarroeah ( i cant spellit). What should I do?

This canbe a rather serious situationwith bunnies, so I would get Lilly to the vet ASAP. Untilthen, give bunny hay. Does your local pet store carry aproduct similar to what we have here for hamsters called "drytail". It's a broad spectrum antibiotic. You canuse that or a little human anti-diarrhea med. until you are able to getbunny to the vet.

Hi Becc,

Is she pooping? Make sure she gets plenty of water. Runny stools can beas a result of diarrhea and you can give her some oats to help dry herup. If it continues, I'd suggest syringe-feeding her some pedialyte tokeep her hydrated. Don't let the symptoms go on for long before you seea vet.

Please check out the website in the Cheat Sheet entitled GI Stasis. Incase the symptoms are indicative of GI Stasis, the symptoms andsuggested treatments are listed in there.

Excess greens can bring on runny stools. I'd stop all treats, go with hay and oats at this time.

Thanks Carolyn, she has no greens in her cage atthe moment except for grass underneath. I'll ring mum in a minute andtell her to put some more oats in her cage, she has some in there butill get her to top it up. Im at school at the moment even though I'msick. Mum made me come to school! Mum said she'll keep an eye on Lillyall day and make sure she doesnt get any sicker if she is sick.

pamnock wrote:
Does your local pet store carry a product similarto what we have here for hamsters called "dry tail". It's abroad spectrum antibiotic. You can use that or a little humananti-diarrhea med. until you are able to get bunny to the vet.


Pam, that brings up a question I had--in my pet store the Dri-tail says"do not use on rabbits"....but it is safe? Or is this somethingdifferent?

Just curious!

rabbitgirl wrote:
pamnock wrote:
Doesyour local pet store carry a product similar to what we have here forhamsters called "dry tail". It's a broad spectrumantibiotic. You can use that or a little human anti-diarrheamed. until you are able to get bunny to the vet.


Pam, that brings up a question I had--in my pet store the Dri-tail says"do not use on rabbits"....but it is safe? Or is this somethingdifferent?

Just curious!


Dri Tailcontains Neomycin and is commonly given to rabbitswith bacterial diarrhea(however, it is not approved or labeled for thatpurpose).

pamnock wrote:
Dri Tailcontains Neomycin and is commonly given to rabbitswith bacterial diarrhea(however, it is not approved or labeled for thatpurpose).


Thanks, Pam....I'll add it to my list of emergency stuff!
well i ended up stayin at school all day im a good gurl lol.

As soon as i got off the bus i ran up the hill straight down mydriveway yelled out hi mum and straight out to lilly. Didnt even go inthe house!

She seems betta, has eaten more food half was gone but she still had abit of diarroeah. She should be ok. Lil rat lol, i was pattin her givinher a good scratch and she went to sleep! I poked her and she woke up!I wanted a cuddle lol
yeah me too. I spent all day at school worryinbout her and ended up gettin in a screaming fight with my englishteacher and getting sent to the principal :Doops lol mum justdoesnt no that bit lol
lol uh oh! just a worrying mum! lol.. i'll do thesame if something is wrong (which i have been) i just dont do anywork.. which makes me fail! and or i will ditch that class!

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