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LOVE THEM! (I just went to the Detroit Zoo in Michigan. They had Capybaras there, and I was hellbent on seeing them before closing. While we were walking around the zoo, I kept whispering "... we're going to see Capybaras!" to my boyfriend, then giggling. He thought I was nuts! :p)

Sleeping in?
Lol I love capybaras too! I got to work with them when I helped out at a zoo it was a mum and her 3 babies they were soooo cute!
I love sleeping in! Though recently I've been wide awake at like 8am lol I have to read until it is time to get up lol!

Gene Simmons (I share my birthday with him on the 25th! Only 2 days away YAY!!!!!!!!!!)
Pandas!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!! Love them! I'm panda mad lol! I snuggle up with a giant one at night and have done since I was a baby lol (even though I have a fiancee lol!)Plus I donate endless amounts to pandas international lol!

zoo tycoon for the pc