Life after Neuter...

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Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2007
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Jamaica, New York, USA
I am happy to say that Thumper is back to his old self :happyrabbit:and recovering nicely.

So here are some new pics of the little cutie.



I think we should start a Thumper Fan Club! He is beyond cute. I love his little castle and the picture of him on the rug looks just like Cinny. Their body shape looks a little different (and Thumper may be a bit darker), but in that picture you can't tell. Is he a Netherlands Dwarf mix? I'm glad he's feeling better after his neuter! I just had my male rat neutered a month ago and was feeling nervous about it before I'd even gone to pick him up from his breeder. Luckily he came through ok! I demand more Thumper pictures!

In this picture of Cinnabun you can really see how they look similar:

Aw, glad to hear he's better!

I think we worry about it way more than we need to. Its just the whole concept of "surgery" that freaks us out, but really its not even a big deal.

He is so cute. Is that a Cottontail Cottage? I want to get one for my guys, what are your reviews on it hehe?

What a resemblance Shiloh! I don't think Thumper is a mix...but hey, what do I know. :DHe is an otter coloured Netherland Dwarf.

I was freaked out about leaving him for surgery but when the lady said, Call us before you come pick him up in case he has trouble waking up:shock2:WOW, I couldn't stop shaking! Thankfully, he made it like the trouper he is. Now, well, he is getting quite nippy. Hope this subsides.

Phinnsmommy-I got the castle from Thumper was scared at first and wouldn't go up to the 2nd and 3rd levels...Now, he goes up but is afraid to come down. So much so, in fact, that he jumped from the 3rd level, trying to land on his carrier, he missed and landed on his head!:foreheadsmack:Hopefully, he'll get the hang of it soon. He enjoys it more and more each day, and since he is not really a biter, he doesn't destroy it and it will last a lot longer!

Here are some more pics...:bunny18


It's probably his hormones or that he is sore and will stop soon - re the biting.
My youngest male can nip sometimes but I don't react...he seems to do it less now that it gets no reaction from me, but he isn't neutered yet.

He is totally adorable and looks a sweetheart to boot! Glad he came through ok for you!

They say it takes a little while for the hormones to work out of the rabbits system.

When I had my French Lop Rudy neutered it was an immediate change. Not at all aggressive and he doesn't bite anymore.Now he is just a good cuddle bunny.
Great pictures! I always just assumed Cinnabun was a mix because he didn't look as tiny as Netherland Dwarfs (Dwarves?) in pictures and his ears were taller. Maybe he was a "poorly bred" dwarf and that's why he was bigger. We thought he was perfect :love: I also wonder what color he technically was, must go look! Where is Thumper from? How old is he? When does he bite? My bun became cage aggressive and would bite if he was in his cage (we either let him come out himself, reached for him when his back was to us or used gloves if we had to get him out in a hurry) for a couple years, but would be a doll as soon as he got out. We also knew that nipping was the next thing that would happen if he nuzzled his nose under our arm or leg (which he didn't do that often), so we would just lift our arm if he did that. Other than that, I think he only bit "unprovoked" once. He bit my cousin when I turned around for a second and she tried to pick him up by his ears, OUCH! She was old enough to know better and even 5 or 6 years later he got very jittery if she held him. Hopefully the nibbles will end soon or you'll recognize a pattern to them. Not that I can imagine such a darling rabbit ever biting, are you sure you aren't just dreaming? :bunnybutt:

Edit: Well, that wasn't much of a search! I think Cinny had Sable Marten coloring, here is a picture of the example for that color I found:

His eyes were reddish though, not brown...


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