When rabbits groom each other, they use theirteeth as well as their tongues. That's probably one of the biggestreasons that they give us "friendly" nips - it's hard for them tounderstand that we don't have fur.
And there's a real difference between friendly and other kinds ofnipping, too - you have to look at other things about the nippingbehavior (does your rabbit want you to move? is it scared of beingpicked up/carried?) in order to figure out what's going on.
My girl still nips me sometimes, but it's usually due to her eitherbeing a bit of a roughhouser when she plays (sometimes) and/or she justplain forgot. Bunnies can learn to nip very gently, also to mouth clothand skin, but it can take time for that to happen. In the meantime,love and patience are your best bets.
I can't say that going though Nibbles' hard nipping (teenage,post-spay) phase was easy, but I wouldn't change her personality for amillion bucks. The best advice i got was to wait it out, and everyonewho said that was right. (BTW, she now responds to my squealing/yellingif she nips too hard; also "no" and "gentle," but it took her a whileto connect them with nipping.)