Lets Get Wasted

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Yeah, that was pretty much my point of view on it, too. What can you do? What's done was done...

But I can understand if it reminds you of your poor ratty having ahealth problem...that's never fun to be reminded of again...:(

JadeIcing wrote:
I found it funny. stinksthat it happened but it did. There is nothing they could have doneexcept make sure the pumpkin was thrown out.
Seriously, animals often do this in the wildwhen they get a chance. I remember on one of my DNRinternships, the wildlife biologist pointed out a flock of cedarwaxwings that were too drunk to fly because of fermentedberries. She said they'll search them out and leave thenon-fermented but still edible berries alone, and that they do this allthe time during migration.

There's also a thorny bush here sometimes called dentist's bush becauseit's bark has a chemical similar to novacaine. My botanyprofessor told me that rabbits will often search it out and eat thebark, presumably because they like the feeling.

So I thought the video was more funny than disturbing. Iunderstand if it reminds you of an ill pet, it would be difficult towatch. As long asthis wasn'tintentional,it's ok.

I think the most important point that needs to be made is the fact thatthe squirrel KNEW that pumpkin was fermented. Squirrels aresmart creatures...and I would be willing to BET A THOUSAND that thepumpkin had a COMPLETELY different scent than one that was stillfresh. And, given that squirrels are such pray creatures, youcan GUARANTEE that they have a sense of smell strong enough to tell thedifference.

Thus why I was not worried for the fellow or disgusted by the video. :)

Also, for the record, I do not think anyone would be able to get closeenough to a squirrel to force feed them fermented pumpkin...not even ifit was a squirrel they'd hand-raised from a baby...so it couldn't havebeen purposeful. Honestly...the squirrel knew what he waseating.

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