Lethargic Jezebel

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Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2004
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, Alberta, Canada
This has happened once before in the past 1/2year with no known reason and I was hoping it would 'pass' Last nightJezebel became very lethargic, not excited for dinner or treats and Ihave not seen her drink


I syringed her water and about a Tbsp of applesauce (unsweetened) toget things 'flowing' again last night, and once again this morning. Shehas not eaten anything foreign (that I am aware of and I think I wouldnotice) she is sitting properly, no gurgles from her tummy, but hereyes are a little sleepy looking and her tummy almost looks a touchcurved IN?

I am hoping this passes today or it may mean an emergency vet calltonight? Or should I wait till Monday? Last time it lasted one day andthen she was back to normal-

any suggestions? I am horribly worried about her since between the two of them she is normally the hearty can do all bun!!

How old is she?

Can you tempt her with her favourite foods?

Could you maybe try syringing some food into her? We use powdered babyrice if we can't get to a pet store, so if you can't get anythingspecific to rabbits, you could try that. (hopefully someone willsuggest something bunny specific for you at the moment, the only thingsI have had have come from the vets).

Personally though, if that was me, I would be getting her straight tothe vets, because, in my experience, when a rabbit becomes lethargic,even with a trip to the vets, they often die.

When she is back to health, it might be worth trying her with vitaminseveryday, something like vit E which can help the immune system, andmaybe a bunny specific probiotic. Just a thought.

I'll be thinking of you both. I hope that she starts to show improvement soon.
She is not an old gal by any means..just turnedthree last Christmas along with her sister Jaden. Thank you for youradvice, she did indeed take some applesauce as foodstuffs (I was toldto give that when Jaden was ill in Taiwan and it usually works quitewell) and fought tooth and nail with me over the whole thing(with water too)

So today I have to go out to the U.S. and she will be watched carefullyby my partnerand I am keeping this site open in case anyoneelse has any suggestions, he may vet her if needed :(

When I said she was sitting normally, I meant in usual bunny positions(not stretched out trying to lay on her tum or anything or constantlygetting up and down) The girls spent the day on the balcony yesterdayand I am curious about a bee sting or eating a wierd bug? Now I think Imay be grasping at straws but??

OH right, no her favorite foods are not tempting her-she walked to herwater bottle this morning, sniffed it, and walked away (and then Isyringed some into her despite her mad protests)

I asked about her age because young rabbits canget floppy rabbit syndrome, which can reoccur many times, and with whatyou said before, about it happening before, I wondered if that was it.

However, FRS normally needs intervention to get better, normally in theform of vitamin E as soon as anyone notices anything is wrong.

It was a long shot, and it's probably not that at all, but that is whyI suggested adding some sort of vit E to her diet, because that mighthelp if it happens again.
She is not eating her pellets on her own? If youcannot get her to the vet, you need to get some food in her. If shewont eat pellets or hay, try creating a pellet slurry by adding somewater and letting it soak, then syringe some into her. You need to keepher eating and drinking if this is the beginnings of stasis.

Also, when you feel her belly does it feel hard at all? Youmay want to give her some baby gas meds (simethicone) if you have someon hand, just in case.

Also, is she not pooping?
No, she's not eating on her own. I've given hertwo vials of water and 2 of apple sauce to see if we can get thingsmoving...she's not liking the forcefeeding...won't even clean up thefood from around her mouth if any gets on there.

Belly isn't hard at all. If anything, there seems to be nothing inthere. She's usually a full bunny, but she looks almost emaciated.

And no, there's no pooping.
If a rabbit is not pooing then itprobablywon't last long without getting very ill. I urge youto get it to a vet asap.
Sounds like she's in pain,poorbunny. :( I'd agree withall ofthe above.

But I'd still give her Simethicon ASAP, the belly doesn't always appearbloated with gas, Dill's is always very 'doughy'.

And/or the soft belly could indicate dehydration and/or an empty GI tract.

When did she last eat and poop?

Hope she's okay.

sas :pray:
The little girl is back from the vet, she wasgiven two shots~one for pain (anti-inflamatory) and one to get herbowels moving. She was also given some Lactulose syrup (3 times a dayfor 7 days) and the vet is going to dingle us in the am to see how sheis doing. I was also recommended to give her pineapple juice(syringed)(both girls are molting right now ta boot)

Thank you all for your help and concern :)

:hug:Hi Cher,

Did the vet check her teeth?

As always, all my love to you and the baby girls.

Cher, I was saddened to hear Jezebel isn't feeling well. My thoughts and prayers are with both of you.

Is she feeling better? I hope so.

Hugs to you and your adorable babes.

Tina &Zoo Crew
Thinkin about Jezebel and sending my love and prayers.

Oh no, not Jezebel! I'll keep you and her in my prayers, I hope you figure out something soon. :hug1
I'm veryconcerned. Thought about you guys all weekend.

Cher wrote:


The Infirmary > Lethargic Jezebel


From: Cher

Date: 2007-05-29 11:06:10

Reply: http://rabbits-forums.com/reply.php?topic_id=21653

I do apologize :mrsthumper:.....

It seems I wrote here in my mad panic about mah poor lil bun, and then when everyone rallied in support I simply added a little diddy about her being on medication and doing better BUT I neglected to do a follow up so for that... :imsorry: since I do appreciate everyone here so very much, this was not a very good example of it now was it?

Jezebel is back to her holy terror self, even last night she decided she could reach the leaf of a plant if she stood on her very very very tiptoes, and by doing so? pulled the whole plant down (I laughed so hard, there she was with a leaf-non poisonous btw-in her mouth, ripped the whole little plant out of the base and was off running with it LOL)

We thank you all for your love xoxoxoxo

Cher, Jezebel and Jaden :heartbeat:


Reposting this. :) (It got ate in the move).

sas :)

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