lethargic bunny

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I've used the boiled water from cooked rice in the past for mushy poops. It's pretty err (searches for word, smacks head for memory lapses these days) touchy? Not touchy but errr many people can't agree on it.

*Goes to smack head on dictionnary and comes back when word isfound*
I think Tallulah's poopy butt was caused by me giving her a couple too many of the new kind of pellets. I was only giving her maybe 10 of the new pellets, but I guess that was too much. She hasn't had any poop problems in 5 or 6 days, I scaled back how many I'm giving her. Randy, do you think she still has coccidia and worms if her poop is fine now and it seems to be related to the food?

We will for sure be picking up some oats in a tube tonight! I hope Tallulah likes them. She hasn't come out of her cage to play yet (It's 9:30 in the morning here and I just came downstairs 15 minutes ago), but for the first time in a couple days, she leapt onto the door of her cage like usual when I opened it! And she was her usual excited self about getting her pellets, which is great. Watching her eat, she seemed bright eyed. She's lying down in her cage at the moment, but it looks more like a DBF than like she feels sick or tired. I'll let her out in a couple minutes to play and update back here on her condition! I hope she's acting normal again...
Bo B Bunny wrote:
*Looks for something to give BBB* Ok here :littlecake:flowerskiss:Lol. Thank you. Gosh I dunno why I am forgetting all my words lately... I couldn't remember how to call the long sweet yellow fruit, yanno "Banana" Sheesh:baghead
I do it all the time. It's called getting older..... it gets worse..... it's not fun.......

what were we talking about?
Thanks, Trailsend! Miss Mae seems better today! I'm SO happy. She doesn't seem 100%, but better than yesterday. She was excited about her food, jumped on the door of her cage like she usually does and looks bright eyed. She also feels heavier than she did yesterday, not as skinny. She's out of her cage right now and did some hopping around, but is lying on the floor relaxing. Hopefully tomorrow she'll be back to normal!
This is the first time I heard of ZuPreem rabbit pellets. They do make excellent products, and this is a way for them to expand their business by getting into other feeds.
But, their ingredients are different from Oxbow and Martins.

Here is the link to ZuPreem...


and the link to Oxbow...


I might suspect the Corn gluten meal, Ground corn and Dried beet pulp, in theZuPreem that is causing the problems. I thought corn wasn't good for rabbits. There is Ground vegetables in the package too, but I don't think there is verymuch in there to make an impact.
If worst comes to worst, stop the pellets, and go with mainly hay and water. Don't give too much oats either.
I have happy news! As of right now, Tallulah is acting like her normal self! She's hopping around, following me everywhere again and is her usual cheery little self, racing across the floor and loving her food. I'm so glad! Hopefully she'll still feel this way tomorrow, I wonder what got into her? Tonight I gave her half a teaspoon of oats in addition to her pellets, she loved them. I'm going to keep giving her the oats. Do you guys think I should try to get her in to see the vet tomorrow if she's still acting fine then?

If it doesn't seem to be necessary, I'd like to call the vet anyway and ask her about what she thinks I should feed Tallulah. If I keep her on the timothy pellets instead of alfalfa (it would be yet another change for her, she's gone from what her breeder fed her to the Timothy Complete pellets to the Zupreem Timothy Pellets already in the past month and a half), would feeding her alfalfa hay give her the extra calories a growing bun needs?
PetBunny, I didn't see your last reply before posting! Unfortunately, Oxbow isn't available up here and when I went to their web site, it says shipping would be $50 for a bag of bunny pellets. Seems rather excessive... The Zupreem pellets seem to be the best ones I can get around here... She hasn't had any pooping problems for several days now, at the moment I'm feeding her about a teaspoon of the new pellets and 2 teaspoons of the old pellets twice a day, plus unlimited timothy hay. I'm planning to gradually give her more and more of the Zupreem pellets. I think the poopy butt issues were from her having too many new pellets at first, most of her poops were normal during that time and I think the cecals are what made her butt dirty.
Sorry, three posts in a row but, I forgot to say... Hooray, I did get a kitchen scale today! Or shall I say, baby bunny scale. It goes up to five pounds so she'd better not pack on the weight too much.
do you feed hay? if you supplemented with some alfalfa hay (good alfalfa hay) I think you would be ok. When bo was allergic to the alfalfa hay - the dust.... our vet said as long as they are getting that protein and calories someplace it's good.

:) I'm glad she's doing ok. She's such a doll.

Thanks for the info, Bo! I will pick up some alfalfa hay today. Wonder how much I should feed her? She gets unlimited timothy hay and she's almost always munching away on some if she's in her cage. I have some in the litter box in the living room and sometimes she'll just sit in there for a while eating that hay, too!

I did have a bag of alfalfa that I was feeding to Rory alternately with timothy hay before we took him to the vet to find out how old he was, I had the feeling he was under 6 months of age and he was right at 6 months according to the vet. I through the bag away last week though because I had some notion of it growing mycotoxins since it had been in a closed bag since October!

Miss Lu is as busy as ever this morning and I couldn't be happier :biggrin2: Perhaps this will be the end of her health troubles?

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