Lenci's Portrait

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Delphinum wrote:
That is wonderful! The one you did of Fauna was also amazing! I wish I could paint like that!

If you feel you have the time, then can you please do one of Henry orMax for me? They are wonderful paintings and I'd love to have somethinglike that. I will, of course, pay all materials, postage, etc. as Iknow it will cost a bit more to send it to me in the UK. If you don'thave the time, don't worry about it! :)

Ang xx

No problem.... I'd love to do a portrait of Henry or/and Max for you.It's no big deal that you live in the UK either. I've shipped quite abit of stuff out of the States, and it's been no trouble yet. If youemail me pictures of the buns then I could add them to my "PortraitTo-Do" list. :)

Anyone that would like a portrait can email me at:
[email protected]
Wow Sandhills! Lookat you go girl! :cool:You are going to be afraid to read thenew posts for fear of new subject requests! :pThat's whathappens when new talent bursts forth upon the scene! Beautifulwork!I hope you will keep posting the finished works so thatwe can all enjoy your talent. :)

RaspberrySwirl wrote:
Wow Sandhills! Look at you gogirl! :cool: You are going to be afraid to read the new posts for fearof new subject requests! :p That's what happens when new talent burstsforth upon the scene! Beautiful work! I hope you will keep posting thefinished works so that we can all enjoy your talent. :)


Mucho, mucho thanks Raspberry Swirl..... with all the kind compliments from everyone i'm starting to blush :)
you truly are a talented person, to me I thought it was Lenci.

I am on the other side of the equator line so takes me a bit longer toget to posts that you lot have done during the day or whatever but iMUST tell you your work is BEAUTIFUL.

Do you paint full time or as a hobbie????

ariel wrote:
you truly are a talented person, to me I thought it was Lenci.

I am on the other side of the equator line so takes me a bit longer toget to posts that you lot have done during the day or whatever but iMUST tell you your work is BEAUTIFUL.

Do you paint full time or as a hobbie????

Thanks so much for the kind words, Ariel. :) They really make my day!I dont paint full time, because I homeschool my daughter, and providedaycare for my nephews and niece full time. I paint as much as i can,and sell my reptile artwork at reptile shows.... but it's not to thepoint where I'd say it's a full time job yet. My husband keeps sayingthat as soon as it is a profession job, he's going to quite his job andjust be my 'house-husband' :)
You're beautifully painting our rabbits portraits - and WE'RE the one's that are sweet????

Something's wrong with that picture.

I think you've got it backwards, Dear Heart. What you'redoing memorializes our rabbits and is so special to all ofus. I can't tell you how excited I am to getFauna's.

Thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU! Lenci's picture isunbelieveable as well. You really have capture our littleone's exact facial expressions.

I can't tell you enough how absolutely breathtaking your artwork is andhow much I appreciate what you're doing. I look forward tosending out a check to you for the amount of your materials, time, andtalent.

You're incredible, sandhills_rabbits.


Your talent is just insane. I don'tknow how people draw, paint or do any of that stuff. All I'mgood for is writing and sometimes singing. Visual art justblows me way.
Lissa wrote:
AllI'm good for is writing and sometimes singing. Visual artjust blows me way.

Gee, that's "ALL"???

Silly Girl!
