Well-Known Member
im gonna clarify something that i prolly shouldadone a better job explaining. the main problem isnt that my dad'sdating. that i could care less. the main problem is that my dad isclueless as to how to raise a daughter. keep in mind im still 15...ibuy most of the groceries, i buy a lot of my clothes...the only timehe'll buy something for me is when its christmastime, or my birthday.he'll leave me ALONE all my byself for 24+ hours when he decides totake his girlfriend on a trip to north carolina. he tells me he'll callme in 3 hours when he got there...11 hours later, he'll call saying hecouldnt findservice...im sorry, i didnt know ittook8 hours to find cell phone service, unless you dont careenough togo out and find it.he'll go out till 2amon a saturday night, and not pick up his cell phone when i try to findout where he is. he'll bring her home when he *knows* im home, just cuzhe wants us to meet, and be best friends. HE FORCED ME TO MEET HER!!! itold him that whenever he brought her home or talked about her, istarted to cry, and all he said to me is 'i dont know what you want meto do'. its not the fact that she's replacing my mom. its the fact thatshe's replacing me. sure, im 15 and dont wanna hang out with my dad.but neither do i want him to never be around. its bad enough that im 15with a 63 year old dad (almost...), but to have one who is still in themindset that his daughter would prefer him to be out earning money thanat home with her? to have one who tries to force a women he *knows* hisdaughter hates onto her so they'll be friends? is it any wonder i hateher? okay...i dont actually hate her....i think i just hate what he'sdoing to me with regard to her. do you know how much fun it is stayingup till 2am when you have to be up early the next morning, just to makesure your dad comes home? its amazing how many times he's "made me" goto bed in tears, and i feel like theres nothing i can do.