Lazy Bunny?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2006
Reaction score
Whitby, Ontario, Canada
Hey Everyone! Well I was justwondering if I could get some input on my thoughts here. I'vehad Bandit for almost a month. (If you haven't read his Blog,he's a neutered, Mini French Lop, about 8 months old)

I build him a large cage/pen, he has lots of toys but he really isn't avery active bunny. He has free run of the place alot. I have his cage/pen door open pretty much anytime I'mhome he's allowed out anytime he wants. But all day he justlays around in his cage pretty much, unless he's eating. Andeven when he comes out in to the livingroom and stuff he just lays downon the carpet.

His eating is normal, and he seems healthy. I was justwondering if this was just the type of bunny he is?! Orshould I be doing anything to encourage him?

I'm sorta lost on this one. Any help would be great. Thanks
Rabbits are most active in the early morning and late evening, is it possible you're just not about when he is running around?

Wild rabbits would usually spend about 70-80% of their time foragingfor food, pet rabbits tend to eat quickly (as their food is moreconcentrated and usually in the same place) and then sit around becausethere isn't much to do. Although toys are good once they've been aroundawhile they become part of the furniture and often get ignored. A toybox is a good so you rotate toys and you can make them interestingagain by rubbing (bunny safe) smelly things on them.

The solution is to make sure there is always something for him to bedoing and the best way to do this is make his feeding as much like awild bunny as possible. Throw out your food bowls! From now on if hewants dinner he has to find it first :D Split the food up and hide itin/under/on top of things, make him use his brain and exercise hisbody.

For example, put pellets in a treat ball or under a pot he has to moveto get to them. Hang veg up high so he has to stretch. Put hay in a boxthat he can jump into and dig in. Have a lucky dip box filled withstraw/paper with a few pellets mixed in. You'll soon have him jumping,climbing, stretching and thinking.

It's great fun to watch too!

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