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mambo101 wrote:
No new Fonzie photos this weekend. The Fonz had a littleincident Friday night. My neice thought it would be ok to let herHolland out of the cage at the same time Fonzie was out. Unfortunatelythe Holland took a bite out of Fonzie's cheek. Of course it happenedafter all the vets were closed. I'm pretty sure he will be ok. We'vebeen treating the wound with peroxide and preparation H. It's lookingbetter every day. His disposition seems normal, eating well etc.Anyway, the Fonz gave me specific orders, no pictures until his scabheals up. ;)

Poor Little Man!

Of course, it's not The Beast that does the attacking, but thevictim of the Attack. PoorFonzie. As you know the Preparation H helps with with swelling, but you don'twant to put it in an open wound. I'm sure you're washing itout with hydrogen peroxide a couple of times a day though.Hoping and praying he'll heal quickly.

Give him akiss and cuddle for me. So sorry to hear about his injury.

I'd actually be against using peroxide,as it kills off good tissue along with bad, and can impair healing.Iodine, while it may temporarily stain, is a much better andsafer choice.
mambo101 wrote:
No new Fonzie photos this weekend. The Fonz had a littleincident Friday night. My neice thought it would be ok to let herHolland out of the cage at the same time Fonzie was out. Unfortunatelythe Holland took a bite out of Fonzie's cheek. Of course it happenedafter all the vets were closed. I'm pretty sure he will be ok. We'vebeen treating the wound with peroxide and preparation H. It's lookingbetter every day. His disposition seems normal, eating well etc.Anyway, the Fonz gave me specific orders, no pictures until his scabheals up. ;)
How'd I miss this one!!!

OUCH!!! Poor guy :(

Rosie got out of her cage a while back and ended up biting both Brindle and Chippy on the noses.

We used Neosporin/Pain Relief. One of the staples of our bunnie first aid kit.

Washing it out was the hard part...."NO NO NO NO TOUCH THE OWIE,DADDY!!!".... and then they sprout about a million feet that all gofull speed all at the same time. Neosporin works good on me, too!!
Ohhh what a beautiful rabbit. Hubbysays if I want a Flemish I canget one, BUT if Ellie doesn'tlike it then we can't keep it....I don't know what to do. I'msure most breeders would allow me to return the bunny if it didn't workout....

JimD wrote:
Washing it out was the hard part...."NO NO NO NO TOUCH THE OWIE, DADDY!!!"

I can see that JimD. That's what happened to my Gizmo the piggie. Itcosts me 100 bucks for a 5 min visit for his open abccess wound.

Oh my gosh, he'sgrown! :shock:He hardly looks like a baby anymore! I can'tbelieve how big he is getting! That photo of him chinning it too cute!:)


What a Love he is! He's so gorgeous. I'm also shocked at the difference a couple of weeks can make. :shock:

Just when all the other pictures have him looking so big, the one infront of the couch where he's stretched out is such a cute 'baby'picture.

It'll be cute to see how he reacts to his new cage. Cali wasn't sureabout making the change in cages - even though she was going into abigger one.

His face looks great. Good job, Doc!


Your bunny is so cute!! I love his coatcolour.I was looking at your pictures and i noticed that you have barsat the bottom of his cage. This can cause feet problems for rabbitsbecause they don't have paws. Just thougt i'd tell you.Otherwise he looks great though.
He is so adorable!! I love the picture of himreading the warning label!! So awesome in coloring and so cute! Lookslike you will need a bigger cage soon!
Bunnys_rule63 wrote:
Your bunny isso cute!! I love his coat colour.I was looking at your pictures and inoticed that you have bars at the bottom of his cage. This can causefeet problems for rabbits because they don't have paws. Justthougt i'd tell you. Otherwise he looks greatthough.
I am aware of the problem withFlemish and with wirebottoms. That will be eliminated whenhis new cage comes in later this week. I'll use the metal drop pan asthe bottom with grass mats so he doesen't slide aroundperCarolyns advice.:)
ayglnu13 wrote:
Poorbaby! The same thing happend to Nimué, except for hegot the cut in his lip! IhopeFonziehealsfast!:)


Bub too--he's still got a fat V-shaped scar on his lower lip fromsquabbling with his siblings. For awhile he ran around with his mouthopen.

They heal up pretty quick though!


Don't forget about a small square or two of velcro if you need to keepit secure. It might move around a bit if the cage is big enough.

I used it with Cali's first set and it worked really well. Willexperiment on where the next set will go, and see if I can do withoutit. (Of course I kept an eye on it to make sure she wasn't eating anyvelcro, but she never did. It's so sticky that she couldn't bebothered. She just like laying on it and ripping it apart.)

You know Flemish! If it takes effort or work, they can't be bothered. :?


Carolyn wrote:
You know Flemish! If it takes effort or work, they can't be bothered. :?



Carolyn, I want one!!!:pYoung Bub may have looked likea baby Flemmy, but he was and is wayyyy too determined when it comes togetting what he wants--whatever the effort!:XWitness ourlittle daily"avoid the squirt" games.....he's pretty darncreative.

It's funny how different Flemmys are. Bub is a hyperactive lil'monster! And thinks he can take on the world.....whereas your "gentlegiant" runs from little Tucker and Fauna.;)


Variety is the spice of life!

