Last Ditch Effort Before I Call a Vet...Opinions? Experience?

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I think worms/parasites seem the most likely answer...

Now to convince my parents it's worth the money...

In my area, it's around $50 for the initial examination, $40 for the fecal test, and then who-knows-how-much-else for the worming medication...

So I took the advice of majorv and added powder form probiotics to my bunny's water. Ever since, there has been no issue with diaherra. Given, it's only been 5 days, but normally there would be lots in that frame of time. Thanks for the suggestion, and we'll go from here!

Now I did have one more question for those of you with opinions or experience...Will the probiotics mask any other symptoms (worms) that may be the underlying cause of the sloppy poop? Or what would the reason be for an imbalance of good/bad bacteria in his gut be?

If he has parasites then the symptoms might abate, but they will come back. Any number of things can throw off the balance in a rabbit's digestion. A new food introduced, changing feed suddenly, stress.
I have no idea what the effect of probiotics on worms would be, as I don't know what kind, if any, bacteria they have in their digestive system. But weight loss would have showed up by now, I'm pretty sure, if it were worms.
I spoke to soon...

This morning there were two small dribbles of 'diaherra'...

It looked like brown-ish urine, but had a small amount of "mashed" feces in it...

I know, it's gross.
Not so good.

Unfortunately whoever cleaned his cage forgot to put hay in, and he went the night without. Not sure how much this would affect the diaherra, but...we found a pool of diaherra about the size of a nickel-quarter, coloured very very dark brown, as well as some watery brownish smears.

Also: he has no other symptoms that seem life threatening. He's not lethargic, he's eating and drinking normally, etc. etc. It's just this persistant runny feces ACCOMPANIED with normal pelleted feces, the diaherra always being outside the litter box.

Thanks for asking, by the way! :)
Sorry to hear that.

I went back and read the whole thread again. I don't think missing hay for one night will hurt but definitely load him up now. Helps with the balance of pellets and medication I believe.

What I think is he's passing cecotropes in the morning. Kreacher is the only one that I will find outside his litter box. Sometimes he doesn't eat all of them and they are a mushy mess. Scared me the first time I saw it. My other bunnies, along with the baby (Neville) all seem to eat all so I don't see any in their litter box or crate.

But because of all that's going on, the cecotropes are still watery, and could take a bit to form into a mushy instead of watery type?

It just sounds like being older and older bunnies digestive systems do change, that he's slowly trying to get his digestive system back after the tapeworm.

The Oxbow pellets, are they alfalfa? Maybe trying to change him to timothy pellets because Alfalfa based pellets are a bit rich for older bunnies. But then again, I'd be nervous to change anything now until he's back to passing mushy cecotropes.

Just rambling. Wish I could be more helpful. I've been, knock on wood, very lucky healthy bunnies. No parasites at all here. My bunnies are inside and only venture out to their bunny run in the backyard in good weather.

Hoping Molly gets her digestive tract back to normal soon. I know it must be a worry for you.

Well, so far we're not sure if it's a parasite...

What I saw this morning could've likely been a very watery/mushy cecotrope...

Thanks for your concern!

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