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Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2007
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Orlando, Florida, USA
ok, so I haven't exactly talked to mom about this yet, but I thought I'd get some feed back on here first sooooo

I'm starting high school this year(9th grade)(i'm home schooled, fyi)and some of my courses are computer based or use the computer. my German is completely comp. based, my math has help Cds that use the comp. and i think biology has something on here too, but i'm not sure. even the German alone is going to be a ton of time. we have a family desk top. we used to have a family lap top but it broke and getting a new one was as much as getting the LT fixed, so here i sit with a DT(LT-lap top, DT-desk top). any way, i'm wondering if it might be easier for every body if i had my own so that i could do it when i wanted and not have to kick any body off. besides, i'm a teenager. the draw of having a LT is great.or even just a DT, but i'd need a new desk and a printer, etc for that to work. any way, as parents, would you go for it? and any body who uses a LT, please recommend and/or warn me off whatever you've used. my birthday is in december, so i might ask for it then. i'm really not sure what she's gonna say, i'm trying to do some research on my own, but consumer reports you have to have a member ship to, and i'm not sure what other sites might have reliable reviews.

any way, thanks for listening to me ramble and helping me:D(hint, hint;))

ETA: Dad's not to crazy about the whole LT idea, so i guess feed back on DT too, please. and thanks again:biggrin2:!

I'd much rather get a desktop than a laptop. Infact I have a desk top (my Mum is a web designer, and if I didn't have my own computer I wouldn't be able to use it ever.) I've had a desk top of my own most of my life. My Mum has a laptop that I can use, but I never do.

The benefit of a laptop is... you can take it with you? If you travel alot you can use it then, but I'm guessing you don't. Also you can use it on the sofa etc, but I'd think that would be if you were watching TV and stuff, and seeing as you want it for mainly working, I see no point. You will need a quiet 'work' area to do it anyway, whats the point in getting a laptop? They are more expensive anyway. Plus occasionally more difficult to use, because you have to use the cursor on the laptop rather than using a mouse etc unless you plug it all in.

Personally I'd get a desktop. You will get more for your money, and unless there is a big reason why you will need to be able to be mobile with it I think it makes more sense.

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny

I love my laptop, and wouldnt trade it for a desktop but a few things I dont like are:

1. Sometimes the mouse pad goes awol and wont work, you just have to leave it and hope it sorts itself out. With a desktop you can change the mouse and its sorted.

2. It seems like you are constantly charging them! and when you are in the middle of something important (trust me, I should know, 20 pages on the owls, just as I went to show my parents [I am homeschooled too] it cuts out and I lost it all!) it can cut out and you will lose your work.

3. I find they over-heat easier then desktops.

4. Need wireless internet for it.

However the good thing is that its moveable, I use mine at my friends house (she has wireless internet), in the garden etc so can watch Casper playing out on the garden whilst im on the forum :p
It depends on what you're going to do with the laptop vs. the desktop. If you're really into computer games and that kind of thing, then a desktop is better because you can get a better desktop for much cheaper than a laptop with all the same parts.

On the other hand, if you're just going to be using it to surf the internet or to do homework etc. a laptop is great. I can't live without my laptop (I have both a DT and a LT, and I use the laptop 90% of the time). I like to sit on the bed and work, or sit in front the TV etc.

At the same time, a laptop is only worth it if you have a wireless internet connection at home - otherwise you're going to be tied to one spot with the LT anyways.

I'm a big fan of Dell. I've had 2 desktops and 2 laptops from them, and no issues. You can get some pretty basic ones for not that much money, or you can get huge fancy ones if you're willing to paya bit more.

Good luck ;)

Second on the Dell. My computer, my Mums home computer, her laptop, her main work computer and her secondary work computer (she is self employed) are all Dells.

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
pink salamander wrote:
The benefit of a laptop is... you can take it with you? If you travel a lot you can use it then, but I'm guessing you don't. Also you can use it on the sofa etc, but I'd think that would be if you were watching TV and stuff, and seeing as you want it for mainly working, I see no point. You will need a quiet 'work' area to do it anyway, whats the point in getting a laptop? They are more expensive anyway. Plus occasionnally more difficult to use, because you have to use the cursor on the laptop rather than using a mouse etc unless you plug it all in.

Personally I'd get a desktop. You will get more for your money, and unless there is a big reason why you will need to be able to be mobile with it I think it makes more sense.

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny

for starters my desk isn't huge and we'd need to get a second desk for a DT(Ikea has some good stuff tho. i like these-Fredrik, Hannesand Goliat). I also was spoiled when we had the LT and got to liking the whole doing stuff on the sofa thing:D. we usually do school at the kitchen table, and a DT would be back on my room. there's really good and bad things about both set ups:shock:. it really depends on price and what Mom's willing to go for if she even thinks about it at all. plus, i'm thinking if i take good care of it i could use it for collage in four years too(LT). can y'all tell i'm a plan ahead kinda girl? if i knew my major right now i'd be so happy. everybody keeps asking and between them and the little voice in my head i'm about to go nuts! ok, :rant:!

any way, i'll see if i can find a way to bring it up with her tomorrow. i'll let ya know what she says!

so, every body likes their dell?
ETA: wow! look at this!:D:p

My son is starting 6th grade at a college prep middle school. It's in our plans to get him a computer this year...would have been done already if the child support was on time. It will definitely be a desktop, though. As most people are saying, you get more for your money.
Laptops go out of date much quicker than desktops and are way harder to upgrade. Technology is going so fast that we are needing bigger and bigger memory, RAM etc every year. My desktop is 3 years old and I've booted up the RAM plus got an external hardrive, DVD writer and better graphics card just to keep up with everything! It would be difficult/costly to do that with a laptop, so not only do you get more for your money, its easier to upgrade too.

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
Mom pretty much knows what y'all are saying, i think. that the LTs are harder to up date and when something goes wrong it costs way more to fix. as much as i'd love to have another LT i'm starting to see what y'all are saying. it helps if it's not just your mom if you know what i mean:D

Elfmommy, if he doesn't already have a desk, check out ikea(for those of you in other countries, they have web sites for you too i think:cool:). i haven't gotten anything from them or been to a store but my friends parents got her some shelves for her b-day from the store and she said they really liked it. the prices look good to which is why i'm looking at how much a desk would be there even though i love love love the PBTeen stuff. it's waaaay expansive:shock:. any way,i'm still wondering how to bring it up with mom. i want to make my case but not sound like a 'baby'. any idea's guys?
JadeIcing wrote:
Dell's are good but I don't like that you have to go through them to upgrade it.

You don't have to go through them to upgrade - a Dell is like any other computer, it's all the same parts once you open it up. Anyone can upgrade a Dell computer. The first thing I do when I get a new desktop is open it up and move the parts around to add my old hard drive and more ram etc. ;)

I personally hate Dell. I have had a lot of bad luck with Dell, they have had a lot of recall issues with batteries and parts, and they probably should have recalled a set of motherboards on their laptops but they havent. I've used 4 Dell desktops and 1 Dell laptop.

I am in love with my Gateway desktop however (6+ years and going strong).

Really good laptops are Sony Vaio and Toshiba I hear, but no personal experience to speak of.

Anyways, I would say have price listings of both LT & DT for your parents, and a list of reasons that your household needs a second computer in general with you going into HS (more homework, more freedom, some other reasons?) should help your cause.

Good luck!
Hey LadyBug!

I got a Dell Laptop after my Compaq LT's backlight died. I'mat University currently, and it is really hard for me to write down all of my prof's words during lecture using pen. I can type faster, so I carry my laptop to school with me.

For you in your situation, this is my opinion:

Laptops become obsolete within 3 years, and are generally almost dead. One of my good friends is a PC technician, and he said that LT's are only built to last a short period of time, asall PCs are delicate machine. Because LT's are carried around and bumped about (no matter how careful you are:)) they don't last as long due to internal damage.

DON't plan on having a 2008 LT useful for when you go to university. The software will be way out of date by that point in time, and it will not be worth the upgrade. As computers' memories become larger and programs become larger too. A 2008 laptop will not be able to handle the software in 2012 (too slow, incompatible systems). Its like PS3 vs. a PS2 (PS3 has better graphics, andbigger games, and nobodywill bemaking PS2 anymore)

When the backlight on my LT monitor blew, the screen went black. Even though the part to fix it only cost 15 bucks, no technician would agree to repair it for me (the small size of LT means the parts are closely squished together, making it very challenging). I couldn't send it to the manufacturer bc the warrantyhad ended AND the price to fix was 3/4 the price of a new laptop.

If I had a DT, i would've just bought a new monitor (about $40 used). Instead,I had to buy a whole new LT:grumpy:. My parent's still have their DT from 1989, and it is still running perfectly!

HOwever, if you want an LT, I suggest you do what I did, and buy a refurbished LT. Considering that it will be completely out of date in the next 5 years, why spend all that money? Refurbished, rebuilt LTs cost about 1/3 of the price of a new LT (approx $300-400), and run just as well. Your local computer repair shop could probably hook you up with one.

(WHOA, way too much info there!!! :biggrin2:)

Just wanted to add my couple of cents worth to the conversation...

I agree with the DT idea because technology will change by the time you go to college. Upgrading will be easier and there are many bundle packages out there for under $1,000 for DT, monitor, and printer (maybe a camera would be included). Probably not the biggest, bestest computer, but it would get you through your classes.

Get a LT as a second computer because they only have a limited life span. They are built to have only so many revolutions to the hard drive and then die. I love my LT, but I also had to buy the router for going wireless, the wireless mouse (plug-n-play), and cables.

Don't forget that most computers will be running Vista for the operating system and that the office suite will probably be an extra purchase. Many schools (even colleges)don't accept Mac format, so the safest bet would be Microsoft. Get lots of USB ports for wireless mouse (can also be used with DT), MP3 player, ect. I usually go with HP because they are easy to access with their on-line chat when I have any problems (which are usually caused by Vista compatibility even though I like the program)

Otherwise, every one covered most of the issues and their likes and dislikes. Good Luck on your decision....

talked to mom. she said right now no way. buuuuut! she did say that when i go to collage she'll prolly have to get a LT for me. so while i'm not getting one now, it is in my 'near' future:biggrin2:

thanks for the help guys, sorry it was for nothing:?
I have a laptop, and it's not all that great.

Although it's handy. It's anoyying. When you transport it you have to make sure theres wire-less internet, all the cables.The only reason my mom got me a laptop was because the DT is on a very large desk, and I cant see all to well, and i refuse to wear my glasses, so she don't want me to strain my eyes..

But other then that.. Eh, get a DT.
As a university student, I needed a laptop when I started school because I used it in a lot of my classes. But prior to that I only had a desktop (my parents got a new one so I got their old one).

I LOVE LOVE LOVE my laptop. I especially like it because we have wireless internet so if I need peace and quiet, I can go anywhere in my house and still have internet. Also, my brother-in-law is quite the computer whiz and both he and my dad say that nowadays, the laptops are just as good as the desktops for the money.

That being said, I would wait on the computer and see if you really do need it or not. Why? Because if you plan to go to university you will probably need one (at my school, it would be impossible to go to university without a computer) but I know a few of my friends had some issues when they started university because their laptops were quite old and some of the programs caused issues with their computers.

PS - I also highly recommend Dell. I had someone spill coffee on my laptop last year and Dell sent out a package so we could ship it back to them and 3 days later my computer was fixed (they even replaced parts that weren't broken) and it was back at home. Everyone I know has a Dell and loves it. Don't go with a Mac because most schools, etc. use Microsoft and a lot of the programs are incompatible with Mac's.

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