Hey I thot this was a chat room for bunnies only, but it's all humans, just like all the other chat rooms. That stinks! Why can't we bunnies have our own chat room?! My human showed me a movie called Night Of The Lepus and it was boring but it did give me an idea about us bunnies taking over the world. Then I thot some more about us running the world and it started to seem like a lot of trouble because then we would have less nap time.
I'm Harvey by the way. I'm the worlds greatest bunny. I know because my human tells me so everyday and she would never lie. My hobbies are napping and I also enjoy good books. My human got me a true crime book and I'm really enjoying it. I'm already on chapter five.

I'm Harvey by the way. I'm the worlds greatest bunny. I know because my human tells me so everyday and she would never lie. My hobbies are napping and I also enjoy good books. My human got me a true crime book and I'm really enjoying it. I'm already on chapter five.