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[align=center]:apollo:Thanks Pam:apollo:

:balloons::bunnydance: For always... :bunnydance::balloons:
  • Helping others
  • Sharing your imput
  • Answering importantthreads quickly
  • And of course being you
:4hearts:Who Knows How Many Buns Have Been Saved By Your Replies:4hearts:


[align=left]-Ashley & Flopsy
[/align] [/align]
I'm really new to this forum, Pam, but I reallydo appreciate all your informative postings. Thanks for beingso thorough and accurate. So few people are willingto take the time and make the effort, you do, and all bunnies arebetter for it!

:cool: :cool: THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO! :cool::cool:



:laugh:If You only knew howhard this got me laughing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Pam!!!!

For all your wonderful advice and knowledge!!



The buns wanted to say: "We love Pam!!!" :bunnydance:

Daisy, Sage, Basil, Elvis, Orion, Saphy, Sampson, Lily, Abby, Dillon, Anissa and Delilah
gypsy wrote:

:laugh:If You only knew howhard this got me laughing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Matthew loved that also --wehavefundoing very strange things to our faces with the photoediting program and sit here laughing our butts off.


Pam You are AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You teach me something new everyday. You help us all and give us not only you time but your expertise.

You Rock!!!!!!!:blueribbon:

Thank you from all of us here at the Acres.

Tina, Jeremy, Dale, Apollo, Christa, Hopi, Misty, Stormy, Mitzy, Norman, Fedora and Doran
Pam, not only are you a truly wonderful helpwith everything "Rabbit", but you are always compassionate, patient,and have a great sense of humour. You also have a very nice family :).

Thanks for all your support and advice

Jan, Pernod and Perry x
Oh! Oh! Oh!

I've been gone all weekend and almost missed the Pam Love Fest! :shock:

You're the best Pam! ;)

Smart, well spoken (written!) thoughtfuland kind, compassionate, a great Mom and Wife, and a loyal bunny forummember. :)

Many of us know you would be welcomedwith open arms anywhere you decided to call your "home forum" and wefeel blessed that youhonor us with your regular attendance.Thank you for sharing your great expanse of knowledge and your kind andgentle spirit with us.


I thought I had written in this post before. I mustn't have got round to it.

I just want to say that I agree with what everyone has said on here. Onmy very first post, it was you that helped me through my unexpectedarrivals. I thought to myself "Wow, this person is great, how lovely ofher to go out of the way to help me" and I gave you a mana there andthen :D.

So yeah, thank you for all you do. This forum wouldn't be the samewithout your help, advice andknowledge. Not only do you helpeveryone butyour there if someone needs prayerstoo.:bouquet: PAM YOU ROCK!!!


PS - LOL to that picture of your head. I really did laugh out laud.
Thanks you guys -- this is really too much :rose:

Our esteemed moderator, Carolyn,is the lady who really sets the tone and makes this forum "home".


Don't even go there, Lady with The Big Head!

I cannot tell a lie missy -- this forum couldcarry on quite well without me -- however, it wouldn't exist withoutyou. :eek:rangepansy:

That's absolute HOG WASH. Don't get mestarted! Allow people to loveyou, as Buck wouldsay.

As has been stated, you're irreplaceable here. I know thatpeople pick your brain all the time and you always handle it withdignity and grace. I can't tell you the number of people Ispeak to outside of this forum that when your name comes up, we thinkof you nothing short of a Gift from God. The time, patience,intelligence, kindness, and courtesy you exude every day is to beadmired and followed.

Allow us to thank you and make sure you 'hear' how deeply weappreciate, respect, and love you for being there for us and ourcharges.

Well said Carolyn !!!


"this forum could carry on quite well without me"

Pam - This forum would have a big hole in it, if you were not here. You are a valueable person here !!!!!!!

Take the Thanks ! If it means you get a BIG HEAD then get one. You are loved by all here !!!!

Haha! No, we don't appreciate Pam.... what areyou talking about? She NEVER gives us any useful information or wordsof incouragement. She's always negative and acts soooo stuck up! LOL!J/K!

You are, by far, one of the most generous peopleI know. That you take the time out of your hectic schedule to helptotal strangers as well as your friends has always given me pause.Please know that RO appreciates your tireless efforts.
Three cheers for Pam!
Hip, hip, horray!
Hip, hip, horray!
Hip, hip, horray!

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