Lab rats for adoption- time running out

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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2007
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, Pennsylvania, USA
Here is a craigs list posting for some lab rats that are going to be euthanised, they are willing to travel a little to get them to you , i dont know how far they are willing to travel so anyone close to Philly who is interested in getting a rat. It is ashame that they have "served" their purpose and now they are going to be discarded.


We (the Humane League of Philadelphia - Hugs for Puppies has changed its name) were recently contacted by a local university that is set to kill 70 rats they used in psychology experiments. However, the school is willing to turn over to us any rats that we can find homes for. We are desperately seeking people who would be interested in adopting one or several of these extremely sweet, sociable rats. Adoption would literally mean saving their lives, since we are not going to be able to find homes for all 70 and any that we cannot find homes for will be gassed to death.

All of the rats are white albinos, are male, are very friendly with people and with one another.

If you or anyone you know can adopt one or several of these rats, or help us find homes, it would be EXTREMELY appreciated!

If you have any questions, feel free to email us at [email protected] or call me at 484-904-6004. We will be picking up an initial group of the rats late next week, and are in many cases able to drive the rats to you (or near you) if you are not able to pick them up.

Thank you!

I know how you feel i have been interested in fostering rats and could do so, but i want to wait till after the baby and after i get one of my cages of guinea pig adopted before i take in anything else.

Maybe someone can post it somewhere else where it might get more people to help. hopefully they will be able to get them all out and adopteed.
Awesome AMy thanks for posting that , i was on goosemore looking around but was having a hard time because my computer, or internet connection kept timing me out. Hopefully they will be able to get them all!!!!
Undergunfire if it helps I can't adopt one being located where I am but am willing to send donations to those that do through Paypal - so let me know if I can help offset the cost.. Poor little guys.. Good for you - spreading theword on their plight.. Paws crossed that all get loving homes now.
Thanks for the offer Juliew, that is great of you.

Pixxiestixxxxx i just went over to goosemore to see if there was any updats and seen that you posted about flying let us know what they say!!!!

Like i said i feel bad taht they were used then it is like "ok were done with them lets put them to sleep" , eventually i will hopefully be fostering for a local rat rescue here but i have to finish being pregnant,lol, before i add anymore an imals,lol.

Thanks everyone
That sort of purpose makes me upset >=T.

Yup, I joined goosemoose about a month ago when I brought home an ill rat who was used for breeding. [BTW, he's doing amazing now - no more respiratory infection, and he looks like a normal rat!]

I'm glad that more than half these rats have found some sort of haven in New York, but there's still 30 of them that need help. Although I am on the other side of the country, there will always be a home here for them if they ever decide to fly by!
Can I cross-post this on the American Gerbil Society site ( Many of us there love rodents other than gerbils as well.
well before i posted this i went over to Goosemoose and it seems that all 70 have been adopted. Great news. Thanks to anyone who cross posted and for those who were going to cross post. Unwanted animals are not in short demand i am sure there will be more, unfortunately.
Just as an FYI, if anyone comes across something like this again, the American Gerbil Society ( can probably help as well. I helped out a few years ago with a big rescue from Canada. Got some nice critters out of that one. My hubby and I took 15 and were able to adopt out all but three, two males and a female. They were very sweet!
great to know, i would never think to check a gerbil site , but then again i gues it is wierd to check a rabbit site for rats,lol. Always check the rescue me section there is always someone posting something.
*sigh* I am always the bearer of bad news with animal research I'd swear it....

As an animal researcher myself who only uses's highly illegal to turn over your rats that were used for research purposes over to a rescue organization to adopt them out. The rats that are used are literally "genetically perfect" and engineered to ensure no third variables in the experimental equation. Once they are done with those rats, they are to be immediately euthanized...

All I'm saying is the department that is doing this at whatever university could literally be denied any more rats for experimentation for doing this....if the animal IRB got a hold of this one, the results would be lethal for the staff and grad students of the psych dept there...

let's just put it like that.

*sigh* sorry to burst everyones bubble. I'm not saying don't try to help these ratties, I'm just saying that this is just part of life...and what they're doing can get them in SERIOUS trouble.

Tracy, didn't you "rescue" two ratties from your lab :p?

Anyway, I would totally love another older PEW girl for my current PEW girl that I took in from an old friend, without having to go to the pet store. All the "rat stuff" and "rabbit stuff" always takes place on the East Coast or the Midwest :(.
yeah hello we don't talk about that!!! pluuuus i had to lie to my PI about that and it was a big issue when they found out because they couldn't find those two rat brains....I got lucky I wasn't thrown outta that lab.

Tracy :)
I know someone who did that as well. The mice were fine, no diseases or anything. This person absolutely would not do that anymore and they will not work with lab animals anymore. It's too sad.
Tracey is that with any experiment at all? or is it with certain experementation? I dont know how they are going to get out all those rats without someone finding out, or how they have it publicly announced in ma ny places that they are going to be able to get away with it?

I would be ok with them never getting anymore rats for experiments :p

Glad to see that they were able to place them though.