kung foo rabbit

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Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
fraser, Michigan, USA
Oneof my rabbits, Dutchess (a dutch rabbit) has become very aggressivelately. She used to be the sweetest little girl in the world but now itjust seems like she turned into devil bunny. When i go in her cage tofeed her, pet her, anything that involves going in her cage, she lungesat me and tries to bite me and grunts and tries to scratch me andsometimes she even makes this weird squealy guinea pig noise. Also, iwas laying on my bed with her and she came up to me, i didn't doanything to her, all i did was look at her..........and she scratchedthe crap out of my face with her paws and bit me in the nose. She'salmost a year old if that helps with anything. She's not fixed. (idon't have the money for that right now) What's with her?
Yeah, she is definatly becoming a "teenager" Mybunny does it too, I need to get her spayed. I stop when I hear hergrowling and change my approach. That usually gets her back to hersenses. I would reccomend getting her spayed, that will solve anyhoromonal behaviors.

My old Dutch boy and most of the dutches i'veever met did the same thing xD I agree, spay and get some ofthose hormones down.
Did someone say KUNG FOO!


Rainbows! :zoro
Hee. I've said "spay/neuter" so often recently that I figured I'd let someone else pick up on it this time. ;)

Love the pic of Pebbles!
If your male rabbit is neutered and is stillbehaving like this, it could be that the hormones haven't fully passedout of his system yet. I've heard it can take several weeks (maybelonger??) before neutered buns fully calm down after fixing.

Thank you everyone for your answers. She'salmost a year old she's 10 months old. I have no idea what age dutchrabbits go through their "terrible twos". I'll be putting money to theside slowly to put toward getting her spayed. i REALLY hope that solvesthe issue and that she doesn't just hate me even though i spoil thebeans out of her. By the way, does anyone have an idea how much a spaywould cost(average) in michigan?
Spay prices can range depending on the vet. Iwould find a list of rabbit savvy vets and just phone around and seeabout prices. Make sure they are rabbit savvy and are experienced anddeal with rabbits often.

Pet_Bunny wrote:
Did someone say KUNG FOO!


Rainbows! :zoro
I'm sorry to thread hijack here but... as soon as I saw this picture I burst out laughing and all I have in my head is

"Every Bunny was Kung Fu fighting (dadada dadada dada da)
Those bunnies are fast as lightning
In fact it was a little bit frightening
But they fought with expert timing"


I could go on... but I think I've made my point


HoneyPot wrote:
Pet_Bunny wrote:
Did someone sayKUNG FOO!


Rainbows! :zoro
I'm sorry to thread hijack here but... as soon as I saw this picture I burst out laughing and all I have in my head is

"Every Bunny was Kung Fu fighting (dadada dadada dada da)
Those bunnies are fast as lightning
In fact it was a little bit frightening
But they fought with expert timing"


I could go on... but I think I've made my point


:laugh: Nadia, that sounds like one of my songs:whistling. HA HA!
When we got our boy neutered it took 3months for him to settle down!:shock: He was a grouchyhormonal boy for months! Eventually though he did mellow abit...he's still over protective of his women! Especiallywith my husband...Bummer thinks Tony is coming to take his women awayand I am always having to get involved to keep Bummy from eatinghubby!:D

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