Well-Known Member
Oneof my rabbits, Dutchess (a dutch rabbit) has become very aggressivelately. She used to be the sweetest little girl in the world but now itjust seems like she turned into devil bunny. When i go in her cage tofeed her, pet her, anything that involves going in her cage, she lungesat me and tries to bite me and grunts and tries to scratch me andsometimes she even makes this weird squealy guinea pig noise. Also, iwas laying on my bed with her and she came up to me, i didn't doanything to her, all i did was look at her..........and she scratchedthe crap out of my face with her paws and bit me in the nose. She'salmost a year old if that helps with anything. She's not fixed. (idon't have the money for that right now) What's with her?