Koumyou's Rabbit Warren

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OK i have bred the girl now for the waiting game to see if it took ~plays jeopardy music while waiting~
MarisaAndToby wrote:
I hope it took! I can't wait to see what those buns will look like. :)

The colouring of your girls is amaaaazing. I think I'm in love.

Thanks and I hope it took too ^.^
I visited Elaine and the bunnies this evening, Here are a few pictures I took.

They are adorable.







More tomorrow,


I bred the girls on the 10th of this month and i was checking mocka out today and i felt a few little balls in her belly whats that?

and thank you for the pics susan!
Dealing with two vary moody bunnies is a pain they keep taking their litter box apart and dumping their hay and pellets on the ground >.< while coal is just his quite lovable self
MarisaAndToby wrote:
Ooooh pregnancy hormones??
:) I'm so excited to see the colours of the babies... When are they supposed to pop?
mocka is due the 12th and tiger the 14th i have bought all the stuff for the nest boxes just have to put them together and seperate the girls in the next week but i am going to keep the cages next to each other so they wont get lonely they will still be able to sniff each other and hopefully not feel alone or stressed
What did you buy for their nest boxes? Have you moved their cages yet?

How's Coal doing? He's such a good Boy and very cute.

Let me know when you email is working i'll send you a bunch of pictures.

I'll come over when they babies are a few weeks old to take pictures or when you think it's ok to come over.

SOOOSKA wrote:
What did you buy for their nest boxes? Have you moved their cages yet?

How's Coal doing? He's such a good Boy and very cute.

Let me know when you email is working i'll send you a bunch of pictures.

I'll come over when they babies are a few weeks old to take pictures or when you think it's ok to come over.

i bought 3/4 plywoood and had them cut it down to the right size so all i have to do is screw it together and put the wire bottom on
Coal is doing great he is more friendly now which is good
yeah i will definality let you know what you can come visit the babies ^.^
New Pics I Got Done At Bunfest!!







Funny Faces

Tiger (behind mocka)

This is some of the 15 pics i chose out of 133 >.< you have no idea how hard it was to pick only 15 lol!
Oh My Goodness Elaine, they are Bautiful.

Great pictures.

You need one of those frames thathas multiple spots for pictures.

yeah glad you like them

the girls are getting nig tummys and they are moody as hell lol they keep taking apart their litterbox >.< tiger has little sores on her feet because she keeps standing in the pee i am still trying to get them to leave the litter box in one piece
Elaine can you maybe get different litter boxes? At one point i had the white wash basin for Wilbur & Jackies litter boxes. I use the wood stove pellets covered with the plastic screens, You can always hang a hay racknear the litter box.

Here's my Angel Bunny Jackie in litterbox.



And the Munchkin Winston in his litterbox.



I might have to do something like that
Tiger has Started pulling out all her fur >.< she was sitting on the shelf and pulling out from everywhere frantically