Accomplished a lot today. Got a bit of a bunny run built off Kiwi's cage today. So now, now only does she her cage to be in, but she can hop out for more exercise room. I think for now I'll only leave the run open while I'm home, to see how it goes, while I can check on her. She seemed to LOVE it. She was like a new bunny today when we had her out and about in the room. She was hopping in and out of the cage. She was eating pellets out of the bowl in the run area. She was eating hay out of the run area. She was hopping all over the room. She was approaching me and Alex, leaning on us, sniffing us. She wasn't running away when we reached out to her. She was going down the tunnel, over and over. AND, she was even snuggling with my cat Neko.
I'm so excited about her actions today. It's the first I've seen her where she looks like she was more relaxed.