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naturestee wrote:
Lily has this really cute habit that she does when she's in my lap. Every few minutes (unless she's passed out) she stands up with her front paws on my chest and rubs her face against my mouth and nose.:love:
Thatsounds so cute! What a little sweet heart. :inlove:

I hope Eve gets better quickly. (That's a nice name you chose for her too ;)).
Eve after her vet appointment, all gooped up from the ear cleaning fluid. She's still oily.:?


Earlier that day... my "not a cat person" hubby!:D

Lily: Eh? What did you say?

NT, I just have one question. Have they beentested for feline leukemia and AIDS? I am paranoid about those rightnow because of the kitten we brought home having come up positive forleukemia. I think it's great you are adopting shelter kitties, BTW, Iwish more people would.
Yes, their paperwork says they both testednegative for both of those. I'm pretty sure they test allcats before they come out of their 8 day quarantine, where they arekept in a separate room. God forbid those diseases shouldspread to all of the shelter cats, it would be pure carnage.I'm pretty sure this shelter puts down all positive cats to prevent theinfection of others. I've heard they sometimes even put downanimals with treatable problems like ringworm, but they get soovercrowded in kitten season that I guess there's no helpingit. Better to euthanize one than than treat 50 on asuper-tight budget.:(

Eve's infection cleared up nicely and she finished her antibiotics andear mite drops yesterday. They seem healthy for now, althoughLily had a coccidea issue earlier this week. So far it's allbeen minor illnesses, just a lot of them.

Were you able to find any help with your kitties?
Oh, that's good, NT, I'm glad you don't have toworry about that with your babies. I haven't gottne any help yet withmy cat situation, but I have a phone number for an organization calledSpay USA, I am going to call them and see if they can help. Wish meluck!