King Kirby's Rabbit Nation

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My Toby used to like flopping next to the couch and watching TV with us. For awhile, he liked to loaf next to the entertainment center and watch us (which is weird; watching something while somebunny is watching you).

I love the picture of flopped Kirby. It totally reminds me of those old "I've fallen and I can't get up!" commercials! What a dramatic bunny! ;)
Toby does that to me sometimes too. When he's tired from running, he would just sit on the carpet and watch me watch tv... weird little bun.
November 18, 2009 - Baby Bunnyhood, the Story of Sir Toby

I've been wanting to write this for some time but didn't have a chance until now. I hope that one day this may help someone think about their baby bunny who's going through adolescence.

Toby. I got him when he was a wee baby. He was at my mercy, so small, so vulnerable. He couldn't do anything to me if I picked up, hugged him, rubbed him all over. He was so tiny, so cute! I could eat him up, he was so small and adorable.

And then one day, he gets really big, like twice what he was before! And suddenly he's bolting all over the place, he's climbing on stuff, clawing at things, at me, at my other bunny, and he's insane. He jumps, he runs away, I can't catch him. He won't respond to commands. He just... runs... everywhere. And he rattles the cage when I put him away. He is so noisy. He is aggressive! It's crazy!


ALL over the place!

And all you ever see is his butt because he can't be stopped!

He won't sit still. Can't groom him. Can't pet him. He flicks me off. I have to bunny proof the entire place because he gets into everything... every single stinkin' bitty hole in my apartment needed to be sealed off.

It's tiring. It's unrewarding. The bunny truly has a mind of its own and he doesn't ever take the time to mind me. Goodness. It's hopeless.

Toby made me pretty mad sometimes. He made me feel like such a failure of a bunny mom. I was SO frustrated with him. Then one day, he goes to the vet to get neutered. And he comes home looking like this. And I am broken.

Suddenly, he needs me. And I'm all he has. And that's what stays with me. He's mine. And I'm his. It wasn't easy, but if we didn't make it through those times, we wouldn't have had these times.



He's growing up now. He's still not very nice to Kirby. But he loves me now, and I of course, will always love him.

To every teenage crazy bun out there and their slave... there are going to be better times and when you see your baby grow up into a wonderful, loving, beautiful rabbit, you will be so proud. :hearts:

That is a very nice reminder to bunny slaves everywhere. Part of me wants to say that it is not just a reminder for slaves going through bunny adolescence, but for everyone with a new bun. It is really a little reminder that love takes time and patience. We get so used to our usual routines, that when a new bun shakes things up, it just takes time to get back to same-ol' - same-ol'.

myheart wrote:
That is a very nice reminder to bunny slaves everywhere. Part of me wants to say that it is not just a reminder for slaves going through bunny adolescence, but for everyone with a new bun. It is really a little reminder that love takes time and patience. We get so used to our usual routines, that when a new bun shakes things up, it just takes time to get back to same-ol' - same-ol'.

Yep I think it's applicable! New lil buns can just turn our world upside down...

I hear having a baby is like that. It arrives and everything is up in the air, in a million pieces, and then... somehow when you look down at the precious little thing, it's just perfect.

Well, it has fur, but it's my version of perfect. :biggrin2:
That is a wonderful story! Very well written. I don't think that I could handle a baby, I'll stick with my adults. They keep me jumping!
November 19, 2009 - Bunny hugs

I picked up Kirby today. No stress. He just ran to a corner, and I let him know he's about to be picked up. Then I picked him up and that was that :) Kirby understands now, nothing bad is gonna happen to him.

I just hugged him and stroked his ears for a few minutes. He was so good to me. :inlove:

I put him back in the Rabbit Nation, treated His Rabbit Highness to some craisins and he happily hopped about.

I went to get some bunny lovin' from Toby and it didn't go as well. He didn't go flying like he usually does. I hada real good handle on him. One time he got loose and I chased him under the couch, then I got him in my arms. I stood in the hallway where I knew he wouldn't go flying and bang into something harmful. He was definitely freaking out, he didn't like being held. He's not comfortable with it.

I gave him a lot of soothing words, tried to rub his nose. I even gave him a piece of dried banana and he ate it up. He was getting really stressed out so I put him back in his cage. He plopped down and just didn't care anymore. I sat and pet him all over and he took another fewlittle pieces of banana and was very happy.

Well, Toby and I are not like Kirby and I, but it's a work in progress.

Kirby lately has had horrible poop habits. He's been pooping everywhere. One or two or five poops here and there! I think he hates the box for some reason. I'm going to get him a new litter box this weekend and see how it goes... I hate disinfecting!

Kirby keeps pooping on the outside of his litter box. :grumpy:That ain't the half of it either!

Poor kids. Lately the slaves have been playing pranks on them. Instead of cutting the lettuce... Daddy just gave 'em this.

Kirby: "I am not pleased. The royal chef must be punished."

But Sir Toby'll eat anything, even if it is the size of him!

"om nom nom nomnomnom!"

Lettuce hat!


November 19, 2009

Kirby's kinda mad today. I suspect it is because...

I bought a FM radio that is ipod enabled. It is supposed to be an alarm clock but I put it in the rabbit room. You see, Project Runway season 6 is over and I think that Toby liked the show because it had pretty girls prancing around in pretty clothes and also rhythmic runway music. I am guessing he likes music.

Well a few hours of music later, I came home today and I was picking up Kirby's stray poops and he went ape on my hand. He kinda dug/clawed at my hand which he's NEVER done before. Not ever! He was so annoyed it seems. I think he enjoys quiet. I think the radio annoyed him... :( Oops.

I did it because I thought Toby would like it and also I remember that the shelter I got him from said that sometimes bunnies whose slaves work long hours put on radio so the bunnies don't get bored.


I'm sad that Kirby was so upset. :tears2:

Husbun got a Mac. He also bought the magic mouse. So I inherited his optical mouse, yay! Also, I might be able to better edit pix and video with his Mac, not sure yet. I'm as anti-Apple as it gets but I got the iPhone for its great webcam app so I can look at my buns. I'll see what pros I can get out of it.

I'm going to make the cute little bunny song that plys during the bunny Sweet Millions commercial my alarm clock ringtone. I think it'll help make me wake up feeling more happy thinking about bunnies.

kirbyultra wrote:
...I'm going to make the cute little bunny song that plys during the bunny Sweet Millions commercial my alarm clock ringtone. I think it'll help make me wake up feeling more happy thinking about bunnies.

That's not fair!!! I love the song and could play it over and over! I think the video has half of it's hits from me viewing it from your thread! I wouldn't mind waking up to that myself because of the cute bunny images that are now connected with the music for me. :p

Kelly must be getting to you...! Toby with a lettuce hat!!! First, poor Mr. Regiford, and now Toby!! Who will be next?!!! The Lettuce Hat strikes again!!! :shock:


myheart wrote:
That's not fair!!! I love the song and could play it over and over! I think the video has half of it's hits from me viewing it from your thread! I wouldn't mind waking up to that myself because of the cute bunny images that are now connected with the music for me. :p

Kelly must be getting to you...! Toby with a lettuce hat!!! First, poor Mr. Regiford, and now Toby!! Who will be next?!!! The Lettuce Hat strikes again!!! :shock:


I :hearts that Sweet Millions commercial. It cheers me up when I am down at work. It always makes me squeal when it comes on tv!!

The Lettuce Hat was stolen from Mr. Regiford, I hope Kelly doesn't mind! It was so hysterical, I'm surprised the picture was in focus what with me cackling away at him!

The lettuce hat may move on to King Kirby next...
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
I tried the radio once with the rabbits and they either didn't like my choice in music, country, or they got noise overloaded.
Yeah, I think I turned on some pop for Toby so he could have something with a beat. King Kirby don't like that new fangled music. :shock:
kirbyultra wrote:
myheart wrote:
Kelly must be getting to you...! Toby with a lettuce hat!!! First, poor Mr. Regiford, and now Toby!! Who will be next?!!! The Lettuce Hat strikes again!!! :shock:
The Lettuce Hat was stolen from Mr. Regiford, I hope Kelly doesn't mind! It was so hysterical, I'm surprised the picture was in focus what with me cackling away at him!
It's good to see that I am the best bad influence ever! :wiggle
November 23, 2009

Kirby is in a foul mood still. He pawed my hand. He wouldn't let me pick him up. He struggled through grooming.

I am miserable. I am coughing and my eyes are welling up all the time, my breathing is wheezy. I think there's too much fur in my respiratory system somehow. I cough so much, so deeply that it hurts.

I had a terrible dream about Kirby yesterday. I woke up gasping, in a huge sweat, and crying, yelling for Kirby. I was afraid I hurt him. I went and kissed him in the rabbit room. I haven't felt right since.

He has been pooping all over the place. He's been in a bad mood since Saturday.

He is eating and drinking normally. Poop looks totally fine. What could be wrong?

I also trimmed some of his nails today. I cut all Toby's nails today. I figured while he was pissed with me, I might as well get it all over with.


Wow, Helen, sounds like you are really stressed out about something(s)! :shock:

Are you getting any time off of work for the Thanksgiving weekend? Do you have any vacation time to take a nice three or four-day weekend to do your own thing? Maybe Kirby is sensing your stress level and is telling you he doesn't like it.

If you are really concerned about Kirby, maybe a vet visit would be in order. Perhaps just having someone palpitate his tummy to tell you things are okay internally will set your mind at ease. Has Kirby had his teeth checked of late?

Not sure what else to suggest... Hope it gets better for you soon. :hug:

Kirby has been ok today, but still a bit antsy when I am around. There are noises coming out of the pipes. Everyone has been complaining about these noises. They are loud and come and go through the day and night. I wonder if the noises are scaring Kirby. He's so easily frightenened. I don't know if I am just trying to reason with myself or what... my gut feeling is that there's nothing "wrong" with him but he is really upset about something.

I am actually going away actually for a short trip to Toronto on Friday, coming back Sunday. My brother is bunnysitting again. It does worry me that Kirby's not quite right and I'm leaving him. I don't know what it is with my luck. The buns are always pulling something on me right before I go away and it makes me worry so much. I will try to enjoy the time away from everything.

Whenever I start to get worried out of my mind and frustrated with myself, I end up doing "things" to busy myself and take my mind off... I've recently taken up baking.

I have 2 really lovely loaves of cream cheese pumpkin bread in my kitchen now, and a house that smells of Thanksgiving. On Sunday I made red velvet cupcakes. Tomorrow I'm making a pumpkin pie to bring to the Thanksgiving table. I love baking, but then once I savor the goodness and it's gone, the worries come back :(
Hope your weekend turns out to be just what you needed and when you come home you will see all is well. :)

No sense in stressing over something that could be nothing. :hug: