Kids Are People, Too!

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AnnaS wrote:
what a cool smiley, I am jealous of it, want chocolate.

Did you click onto the website I posted above that smiley, Anna? Check it out if you didn't.

Carolyn wrote:
AnnaS wrote:
what a cool smiley, I am jealous of it, want chocolate.

Did you click onto the website I posted above that smiley, Anna? Check it out if you didn't.


I will check it out at home, my computer at work does not load it.
DaisyNBuster wrote:
Dear Carolyn, Alyssa has sent you a card through your email.She wanted me to tell you that she chose it herself as the bunny lookslike her's. She told me to tell you that she likes you!


You tell that little Beauty of yours that she holds a very special place in my heart.

Give herour love from all of us in Tucker Town.

So glad she liked the latest card.




Thank you for the card.You`re the best and Ihope you will have abeautiful week.



p.s, I`LL try to wright you agian this week.

Dear Jeremy,

You're The Best too, Honey. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Glad you liked the cards and the websites.

I have to say, I saw that one that Buck found ona post to SLG. I saw it and instantly knew that Alyssa would love it.She really liked it. At first she said aww to the little chicks andthen when the rabbit started singing in the car she just laughed.

Thanks for posting the link Carolyn and thanks to Buck for finding it.


Dear Alyssa,

I'm glad the site made you laugh. It always makes me giggle too. I knowBuck will be very happy to hear how much you enjoyed it.

Hope Snowy, Dusty, and Buster are doing well. Give them all a kiss for me and I'll kiss Tucker, Cali, and Fauna for you.

Talk soon!

Thank you so much, Carolyn. Those aretoo cute! I really like Chudleigh! He looks like aChesapeake Bay Retriever. We have a Chessie. Hername is Callie, like your rabbit!!

Thanks for finding the words,Lynda!

* * * * *

Kids are people too
We may be young and not full grown
But we've got troubles of our own
Kids Are People Too (wocka-doo,wocka-doo,wocka-doo!)
And though we're small we do our best
And do our things just like the rest
Kids Are People Too!
It isn't easy growing all day,
Winning & losing at the games that we play
Doing our homework
Learning in school
And trying to live by the golden rule
And so we hope you understand
And try to lend a helping hand
Kids Are People...
Kids Are People....
Kids Are People Too!!
(they're really really people too!)
