Tyler, I'm so glad you're still enjoying popping the balloons from the New Year's card I sent to you.
Alyssa, You're mom is correct. Dogs doswim. As a matter of fact, they even have a name for theirswimming. It's called the 'doggiepaddle'.
Isaac, Hello! It's nice to meet you,Isaac! I'm so glad you stop in and see some of the sillyrabbit pictures we post. Have your mom show you the thread byrabbits, entitled "Easter Bunnies Wanted." There's no end tohow we embarrass Sebastian's Little Girl's rabbit, but he takes itwell.
Kim, Thank you so much for what you said. That reallymeans a lot to me that you feel that way.
Matthew, It was so great to talk to you lastnight. I'm glad you like the card. I've made a noteon my calendar that your birthday is next week and will be in touchthen, without a doubt. I'm so glad you told me aboutit. I had no idea that this month held such a specialbirthday for us.
iloveallrabbits, You might show your daughter theother ones I posted from the same artist, but they were ChristmasCards. Here's the link:
orion and bethany, What goofballs you twoare! They are Very
Very Silly faces! Ilaughed really hard when I saw them. Wish I was there to playthat game with you. You two look like you're so much fun tohang out with.
Peter, glad you liked them.
Sebastian's Little Girl, Loved hearing your reaction to the cards last night.