keeping my bun in my room

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Or perhaps it turns your pets to wood????????????????? What are you people doing to your poor rabbits?? :p

JimD wrote:
Ichange litter pans every day. No scooping...just toss the whole lot. Ionly use about 1/2 inch (or less)of Woody Pet in each pan andthe buns pretty much "use" it up each day.

LOL. I remeber chuckling at Buck's post about "panning for poops"

Good heavens! Here you are raving aboutthe wonderful affordability of this product and that's even with youchanging your pans every day! :shock:Amazing...

No wonder your buns loveyou!

Sebastian's gets cleaned every few days.I keep at least 3-4" of Woody Pet in his and give it a shake every dayor so. That brings clean product to the top and the poos to the bottom!:)

RaspberrySwirl wrote:
Good heavens! Here you areraving about the wonderful affordability of this product and that'seven with you changing your pans every day!:shock:Amazing...

No wonder your buns loveyou!

Sebastian's gets cleaned every few days.I keep at least 3-4" of Woody Pet in his and give it a shake every dayor so. That brings clean product to the top and the poos to the bottom!:)

Each bun has their own pan in their cage. (I now have 6 out of 7 bunslitter trained WooHoo!!!!). I like the high backed corner pans. You canonly put a couple of inches of litter in them at most. Sometimes if Ihave to let the pans go an extra day I'll add another layer of litter.

I took about 15 minutes to change the 6 pans last night. It's so easyjust to grab the pans when I give the buns their nightly greens/treats,paper towel to wipe them out, refill, and back in the cage.

Prior to litter training, I would spend hours cleaning out the cagesand drop pans. I used just about the same amount of Woody Pet over thecourse of the week, too. Now I just use shavings in the drop pans andchange them once a week if needed.

I never changed the litter box once since I started using Woody Pet. :shock:

I use a screen on top of the Woody Pet to keep the poop out of thelitter. So all I have to do is lift the screen and all thepoop is dumped out. :cool:

Then I use a kitchen utility spoonto scoop out only the wetWoody Pet and replace it with new Woody Pet. By stirring thelitter around, any used Woody Pet is absorbed by thenew, keeping the mixture fresh. :D

Rainbows! :)

P.S. I'm still on my first bag......since February :p
