Well-Known Member
I've never heard of either vaccine costing much more than £20..:? VHD only needs done once a year though, and Myxi, unless you live in a high risk area.
With an entropion lid, part of the eye lid bulges out in appearance but what is really happening is part of the lid is rolled under on a semi permanent basis and when they open and shut the eye, the lashes scratch on the cornea and that is what causes the irritation of conjunctivitis or weepy eye.
You might want to pull back on her lid and see if part of it wants to turn under on the edge.
It sort of looks like it in the picture, but I can't really tell just from that.
Yep, you can pretty much be guaranteed to get the butt tonight! I hope that they are able to flush her eye out and she feels better.I bet she will be angry with me!