Keep Zin in your prayers

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GoinBackToCali wrote:
I may wake her fluffy up..

Is that why I suddenly woke up at 5:15 am - fully awake and alert and the best I've felt in weeks?

I thought it was the darned CPAP machine doing its thing for my apnea!

Well....I'm up.....sorta.

Got a bad case of the burps...but I'm up.

:hug: to you Zin, for making the right decision for your own happiness. So many people stay and be unhappy... It bears no comparison at all really given that I was only 19 and not married or anything, totally different situation etc, but I was in a relationship with someone who turned nasty (angry, abusive/violent etc) and I did end it eventually, but I put up with it for much, much longer than I should have, and I always regret putting up with it, and not being brave enough to tell him where to go lol.

I'm glad you're happy :)

Oh, and LOL at this, I'll have to remember that one in future!

I either have to poop or get off the pot..

zin: I hope that you find happiness ... You have been thru more this year thananyone should have had to go thru.

on another note: No hurricane... Woohoo:pinkelepht:
I am glad everything is ok over there... power went out for about 5 minutes here... and the wind blew the skirting of my mobile home... but other than that nothing major.
I realize that im a bit late on this but I must say that i have know Zin throught thick and thin and she is a wonderful person I hope she gets everything she deserves and then some because its been a long time comming so CONGRATS and Love you