Keep Leonidas (my rat) in your thoughts.

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Thank you, every one :hug2:.

No luck with other vets. I am sticking with Dr. Luna on Saturday the 15th at 12 noon. I feel more comfortable with her seeing him.

Leo is still doing just fine. He was quite the naughty boy today while he played around the bedroom. I have too do head counts every 5 minutes, to make sure all four boys aren't getting into trouble.

I'm going to do a photoshoot this weekend with the bunnies and rats (seperately).
I am getting more and more nervous of Leo's vet appt. this Saturday at noon. I felt his area tonight after not feeling it for a while and notice that the lump isn't as large as it was before. When I picked him up and first noticed the lump, it was very noticeable to the touch, but tonight when I picked him up I didn't feel it right away and had to "search" for it.

This leads me to beleive that maybe it is an abscess? I still can't see an opening, though.

Either way...I am prepairing myself for the worst on Saturday, in case something bad is to come of this. I'm doing a huge photo shoot tomorrow night, too.

I just have bad feelings that if it is a tumor, then he won't make it through a surgery because of his chronic respiratory issues. I have to think of his life and comfort, before my selfishness. I will really be torn if I chose to go through a surgery (that I can now hardly afford, as well)....and he dies during it...never having a chance because of his URI's.

I can't help but think of "the all", before I walk into that vet's office. When I brought my past heart rat in...I thought she would make it out just fine while we were sitting in the waiting area. A half hour later....I was walking out in tears with my sweet baby in a small box.

Please pray that it is an abscess, since it did decrease in size :nerves1.
Amy, I really hope it is an abscess! That seems like a good sign that it's shrinking. Still very scary though :( Does it seem to be causing him any distress? If the vet thought my rat might die during a surgery, I probably wouldn't do it either and just let the ratty live out his life as long as he seems comfortable and happy, then help him along at the end if need be. So sad :( Ratties should live longer and I too hope he doesn't die soon. If he does though, maybe it's a teeny tiny comfort to know Cranberry and Peppermint and Fayl will be waiting in heaven to play with him and snuggle.
Leo is still eating and being his normal self. I thought about it and decided I have worried a lot for nothing. There is no reason for him to be PTS any time soon, as he is still himself.

If he was really sick, then the other guys in the cage wouldn't be hanging around him because they would think a preditor would snatch them all up (instinct). Leo also would be acting different, as well. When I push or squeeze on the area...he doesn't flinch or show I really think it's a tumor.

We are going to see Dr. Luna at noon today (Saturday), but if it is definitely a tumor...I will not be going through with a surgery. I feel like Leo still has tons of life left in him and he is doing awesome. I don't want to put him through a surgery, even if Dr. Luna says it is okay. I will know when it is "his time to go" and when it comes...he will be helped to rattie heaven, but I know in mind and in heart....he has tons of life left here with me. He's playing and a being a crazy guy, just like usual and I would hate for something to happen to him in a surgery and lose him...when he could have had another year of life left other-wise. I'm going to do what is best for him and I think what is best is for him to stay with his buddies up until he is ready to leave us.

Most rats do just fine with a tumor, as long as the size is not affecting their mobility, or they are in pain, or it's cancerous. Leo is not near this point and I doubt it is a cancerous tumor.

I hope everyone can understand and I'll let you all know how the appointment goes tomorrow. I have good feelings that I am correct, that it is a tumor.

p.s....right now my four adult sized sweeties and stuffed into one 7 inch by 7 inch hammock sharing their homemade food mixture :p.
You're smart to be prepared for it all,and to have a well-thought out plan. I totally understand what you're saying about as long as he's still eating & happy, leave him be.

I'll be thinking of you guys.
My Leo-Skeo is just fine :).

Yes, it is a tumor...I forgot what kind (mamaramy, maybe? I really can't remember) :baghead...but I was happy to hear that he will be fine.

We all decided that it is best for him to "live with it" and he will have many more months with me. He is on a round of Baytril for a URI, too.

Dr. Luna just said to watch the area and feel it every few days to watch for growth.

I've been reading online about a lot of rats that have lived awesome lives with tumors, so it is very comforting to read.
I'm so relieved! Hopefully the tumor won't grow bigger and it won't impede him in any way. How are you feeling after getting the news? :)
I am very happy that Leo will be okay and be with me for a while longer...we never know how long with rats.

So many good things are happening to Ryan, the pets, and I :biggrin2:.

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