Kalea-Colour Question

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2007
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Thurston County, Washington, USA
So I don't think Kalea is going to be a BEW or REW only, because she has a little tan spot on her nose....if she has blue eyes, will she still be considered a BEW, even though she has this dot of tan?

Otherwise, what colour would she be considered? We'll have pictures later, camera just died after taking pictures, so now I have to search for batteries...

There are a number of terms that can be used - BEW sport is common, but not BEW because she's heterozygous.

BlueSkyAcresRabbitry wrote:
Yes I have photos will upload them in a few minutes :)

So if she's a pointed himi, would she have red eyes?


Yes - red eyes are the only color.

We were doing some research, couldn't find any information on Pointed Himi Mini Rex....no pictures whatsoever. We saw pictures of himilayans, but Kalea just has that spot on her nose, will the other colours start coming in (like said in The Standard of Perfection) as she gets older?


P.S. Pictures are on their way!
The points come in later. What color are the parents?

Just found it on another thread. With one parent being a broken, there's a chance that you have a broken non-showable Himi, as well as a likely harle himi. So I guess I'm trying to say, a tri himi?

Going to be tough to say until more color comes in.


Opps! Was looking at someone elses post LOL

Still a chance that you may have an unshowable tan pattern himi because one parent is an agouti.

Agouti? No, Lily or Bruce isn't agouti...They are Chinchilla and Blue/Lilac, not Agouti.

Here's some pictures:




I'll get some more pictures of her colouring later, and I'll get some better pictures, etc.

Chinchilla is an agouti variety. ;) (Genetic "A")

Hard to tell from the photos because they are blurry, but if there is a spot on the nose, it can only be a himi. We're just not sure what type of himi. :?

Oh okay.

Yeah I'll get some non-blurry photos in a little while, but yah, she does have a spot on her nose. It's visible in the second photo, as being a light brown/tannish spot.

So, how would she be non-showable? Will her toenails have to bea dark colour?
I'm sure that her colours will darken up to chocolate, or black. I'm at least hoping so!

ARBA DQ's for any Tan pattern (agouti) himisdue to ear lacing, nose lacing, white undertail and white inside legs. Yes - nails must all be dark.

However, it's rather early to tell how the markings will come in ;)

Okay, Thanks Pam!

I really hope she will be showable! I don't want her to have to be in pet class because I was really hoping she could be a great MR. I'll just have to pray for her colours, I guess! ;):pray:

She is looking like a real cutie Emily. lovin the pics keep em coming:D

Maybe when she is grown up rather than not posting maybe you can get a mod to move your minii rex from dirth to adult into the blogs and keep it going so we can see her getting into trouble when she gets to be a teenager :D
BlueSkyAcresRabbitry wrote:
Oh okay.

Yeah I'll get some non-blurry photos in a little while, but yah, she does have a spot on her nose. It's visible in the second photo, as being a light brown/tannish spot.

So, how would she be non-showable? Will her toenails have to bea dark colour?
I'm sure that her colours will darken up to chocolate, or black. I'm at least hoping so!

Hi Emily! This is an interesting thread and I hope that what I'm about to share won't sound snotty or anything - but I wanted to post something before I went to bed and then would forget I wanted to post here.

I'm not sure how much you know about the color genetics....so I thought I'd share a few things.

When people talk about the various colors - they generally refer to five different genes (A through E). I thought I'd address three of them here.

The "A" gene determines the "family" sort of. The most dominant gene is "A" which is agouti - which would be the chestnuts, chinchillas, opals, etc. The next most dominant gene is the "at" gene which is the tan pattern. This includes the martens, tans and otters. Finally, the lowest in the dominance chain is the "a" gene which is the "self" gene - which gives us black, blue, chocolate and lilac rabbits.

The "B" gene is really very easy for me to understand (one of the easiest). "B" is for black and blue. "b" is for chocolate and lilac. You'll understand why I give two colors for these when I talk about the "d" gene next...

The "D" gene stands for the density or diluteness of the color. If a rabbit has "D" it means that it has dense color. It can only be black or chocolate. If it has two "d" genes (one from each parent) - then it can only be blue or lilac.

If your rabbit is a blue - there is a chance it can carry chocolate...but it is only a chance. The rabbit would most likely have to have chocolate somewhere back in its pedigree.

Now let me go with what we know of the two parents you've mentioned...

Dad is a chinchilla. This means that he is:

at _ , B_, D_

Each of the _ means that there is a gene there that we don't know what it is. Dad could carry self and be "at, a" and he could carry chocolate and be "B,b" and he could carry dilute and be "D,d". Or he could be any number of combinations. One good way to try and figure them out is to look at his pedigree - do you happen to have it?

Now let's look at mom....she's a blue or lilac. I'm guessing that since ARBA judges would DQ her if she was a lilac being shown as a blue - that she must be a blue. (Lilac looks different than blue - I've had lilac lionheads).

Lilac is actually the dilute of chocolate...but we're gonna go with blue.

That means she is

a, a, B, _ and d,d

The only thing we don't know is - does she carry chocolate? Is it somewhere in her pedigree? We know she HAS to be "a,a" because she is a self and that is the lowest in the levels of dominance. Since she is a dilute (blue) - we know she must be "d,d".

As far as the himis go....that is carried on a gene that is so much more confusing to me....the "C" gene and I'm not even going to touch on that here.

But my point that I'm trying to lead up to is....

....would you happen to have the pedigrees of the parents that would give the colors of their parents and grandparents? If so - it would help us rule out some possibilities...

I'm sorry if this is too confusing - here is one good website to help with genetics - there are many many more out there...


Polly, yeah that's what I'll probably have done. Also, I'll be adding new pics to that today, since Kalea is 2 weeks old!

Peg, wow thanks for all that info! Yeah, I don't know much about genetics, but I'm surely learning and I'm hoping to learn all about them. I'm going to open the pages in my rabbit books sometime this week and read all the information in them about genetics. :)

Lily doesn't have a pedigree, I mean I'm sure she does, but we didn't get it when we got her, as her previous owners didn't have it either, but she's purebred, yes. I wish I had her pedigree! That would be so helpful to make Kalea's pedigree, but we can't since we don't have the information from Lily. Or, can we?

Bruce's pedigree shows that the only colours he has back to his great-grandparents are black, broken chinchilla and chinchilla; no other colours. His Grandpa (on his mother's side) is a broken chinchilla, and both his mother and father are chinchillas. I think all of his brothers and sisters were chinchillas as well.

Does that help? I'm not sure if Lily carries chocolate or not. She might, but since I don't have her pedigree and don't know her breeder or her parents, then I have no clue.


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