My mother passed on March 6, 2010. Didn't find out from my wonderful sister that she'd been sick since October of 2009 and had finally passed till the end of June, 2010. She claims she didn't have any contact info for us--birthday cards, xmas cards, mothers' day etc. all had the address and I'd called and left several messages. The reason she didn't let me know and sent an E mail to our son in June (how could she send something if she didn't have our contact?) is I guess it took her that long to clean out the house and banks and sell everything off. I'd like to punch her in the nose but don't feel like traveling 650 miles. Funny that she finally got in contact with our son after I sent a mothers day card and she'd gotten the birthday card I'd sent as her birthday was July 2nd and I always send them early. Wonder what happened to the presents and gift cards I sent?:soapbox:banghead