Just making sure...

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The breeder may simply have given you the information out of ignorance rather than in attempt to deceive.
I hope so, since she was really nice when I met her.

He's really a nice built bunny too, which sucks I think he would do well. :p

I've looked at some pictures of how they're suppost to look and from what I can see he has nice bones, crown and shoulders. His head might be too skinny though. Since they seem to have a bigger space between the eyes normally.
Jynxie wrote:
I didn't know I could just have anyone tattoo him, how do they know he's purebred without a pedigree? I assumed it had to be from the breeder.

Any rabbit can be tattooed. My mixed breed pet is tattooed because I used to show her in the pet class in 4-H. So the person tattooing does not need proof of the rabbit's genetics to be tattooed. :)

Likewise, the rabbit does not have to be purebred to show. To place well (and not be DQ'ed), they just need to fit the breed standard.
This tattoo thing seems quite cruel to me..

in the UK we have metal rings for their legs that cant be too tight as it's made for their breed (unless bunny gets chunky)
Yeah, maybe i'll try my luck anyways.
The only show coming up in the near future is an arba show though. :p So he might get DQ right away.

I think it's weird that tris are aloud but japanese harlequins aren't. Is there a reason their colour isn't showable?
The arba board has to get together so often to vote on things such as color and a new breed like the lionhead. If it passes then the color is added but with standerds. It could possibly get voted in but would have to get enough interested breeders to get that far. I think.
Ah okay.

Well, I spoke to my breeder and she also said he wouldn't be able to be in any shows that have american rules so arba shows are a no go for me.

She did say he can be shown at Canadian shows and he doesn't even have to be tattooed for those. Not sure where I would find these though.
Jynxie wrote:
Yeah, maybe i'll try my luck anyways.
The only show coming up in the near future is an arba show though. :p So he might get DQ right away.

I think it's weird that tris are aloud but japanese harlequins aren't. Is there a reason their colour isn't showable?
Yep. For one thing - it is very very VERY hard to get a well-marked harlequin. The standards for the harlequin breed (which is probably what would have to be used for the color) are pretty specific if I remember right - like 1/2 color on each side of the face and split markings down the back.

In order to get the color passed by ARBA you have to have X breeders working on the color with you if I remember right - then when you go to presentation you have to pass the presentation 3 out of 5 times (presentations are at ARBA Nationals once a year). I think you have to use the same rabbits from year to year (but don't quote me on that) - or the juniors have to come out of your seniors...something like that.

Now let me share some harlequin lionhead pictures with you.

Here is Miss Bea.....who I was told more than once was probably one of the most well-marked harlequins in the lionhead breed.




Now here's a baby:


[/align][align=left]I can't find other baby pictures right off - but even though you can have a well marked parent - it is hard to get a well-marked offspring that would fit the standard - which is why you'll rarely see harlequin rabbits for shows unless they are the harlequin breed....its just too hard to get them through ARBA.[/align][align=left]
[/align][align=left]Also as a side note - pedigreed only means that you know the parents and grandparents, etc. etc. It doesn't mean a rabbit is good or not good. It's like saying, "I have a birth certificate for this rabbit that shows its heritage". A pedigree is about the past....(and purebred means that it goes back at least 3 generations as that particular breed....once again - being purebred is largely about a rabbit's past heritage).
Miss Bea was gorgeous.

Ah well, maybe I'll just look into some small Canadian shows and we'll see. I've looked online, but I am really only seeing arba shows. They're probably mostly like fall fairs (the Canadian shows)?
Is geting another bun an option for you right now? If so you can get a real nice show rabbit to show if you are really interested. If not then it will be alittle harder to find a fair type show to do so with your current bun. The one you have now can be your pet and the other can be show. Love them both the same. As we spoil all fiv of our buns only one is ready to show, another one needs a new coat, two are brood does and our last is a mixed bun. We love and care the same for each rabbit. They just have differant jobs.
I personally don't want another bun just yet.
Harley is hard enough to clean up after since he's not litter trained yet, plus still trying to get an awesome bond with him.

Maybe when he's older, litter trained and fixed I might look into another bunny, we'll see. :)
Jynxie wrote:
Ah okay.

Well, I spoke to my breeder and she also said he wouldn't be able to be in any shows that have american rules so arba shows are a no go for me.

She did say he can be shown at Canadian shows and he doesn't even have to be tattooed for those. Not sure where I would find these though.
The breeder would be referring to pet, 4-H, or youth shows.
Okay thank you,
Does anyone know where a list would be, because I've searched on google and haven't found much infomation other then arba shows. I'm not sure where I would find out info for pet, 4-H or youth shows.

Thanks in advance.
It may be hard to find listings for more local shows. Try searching for county or country fairs as well as fall fairs. These usually have shows and some also have pet shows. Entry fees are usually small as well, about $1-2 each and some a free. A local rabbit breeder club might also be able to help you find some as they might help put these shows on.
The big cities tend to not have these fairs, so you may need to check in towns that surround the cities. I know that there is really only 1 fair in my city and that is at heritage park. The other fairs are in the towns around the city.
Each of these shows is different and does have different rules. I would plan to stick around for the day and be there during the judging. It is also good to check in on your rabbit as you usually can't take them home until the end of the day.
Most fairs are during the summer, the ones around here tend to be in August and September but there can be some earlier or later.
Jynxie wrote:
Yeah, maybe i'll try my luck anyways.
The only show coming up in the near future is an arba show though. :p So he might get DQ right away.

I think it's weird that tris are aloud but japanese harlequins aren't. Is there a reason their colour isn't showable?

this is my guess on the Harlequin colors..... the actual harlequin breed is a pattern, not just the black and brown brindling. It's a bit silly to call the coloring in so many breeds Harlequin, when most of them do not have the pattern.

and I doubt that many people want to work with the COD, when its a pain in just the breed lol.

That's just my guess.

Someone else above tried posting pics of Harlequin coloring...


He's nearly perfect. Everything alternates, his coloring is pretty clean cut. THough his face mark is the only thing that reallly makes him 'unperfect'.

and the side banding:

Their face should look like this:


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