Just made quite a Big Decision

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Totally, I don't remember where she got it, but it's not our original idea. So go for it!

What are you going to be doing in Tennessee? And what sorts of serviceprojects do you do in Boston? Our youth group just did two weekends atthe Boston Rescue Mission. I wasn't able to go, but I know that theyhad a really great (albeit challenging) time.
I am not quite sure of all the details that willbe happening in Tennessee, because unfortunately i cant go this yearbecause i am co-directing a drama camp duringthe missiontrip:?But I know they are going they are going tobe doing repairs on a church or something like that, then running aninner city CBC or VBS what ever ya wanna call it. I know it is reallyrandom to be going to Tennessee but I guess our church decidedthatthe trips would go in thisorder*Foreign* *Rural* *Suburban*.

heh...Well, there are a lot of needs right in ourown backyard, it's cool that your church is doing something to helpout. Our old youth pastor did a trip like that to Florida. He said it'shard to believe that people in America live in what many would consider"Third World" conditions. Inner-city life is another tough reality thatmany people won't face. I know he learned a lot from his experience, Ihope you get a chance to go someday.

But co-directing camp sounds like fun too! What are the age ranges? Ihelped out with a 9 - 12 yo weekend camp this past summer, and that wasenough for me :shock:
It is a Drama camp with kids ages 8-12, I did itlast year and there were like 20 kids...this year there will be33....AHHHHHH. It will be though the month of July....9am-12pm everyday......every day....it will be a lot of work...but its well worth it,she is a very generous person ;)

You must be a very patient soul :p
Well, well, well, big developments here, let me tell you...

I sent out a couple dozen support letters last week, and on Monday Igot two replies (one was from a support letter, and the other was froma very kind and generous member here). Two checks for $100. So Iwasfeeling veryencouraged, $200 dollars is a lot toget all at once, and it was a great boost towards my goal. Ofcourse, my excitement was still overshadowed by my "realistic" side -$1,800 is a long way to go.

Well, I got home from classes on Tuesday, and had two more letters inthe mail, one from my grandfather and another from a family friend.

Papa gave me a check for $1,000!

I didn't know whether to smile or cry, and my mom and I were speechlessfor a minute or two. We were both just stunned. That, combinedwith the other check that came, plus the two from Monday, (and acash donation!) brings my grand total to $1,375. I am nearly 3/4 of theway to my goal!

God is so amazing!

When Papa called the house later, I tried not to gush too much but Iwas just sograteful!

My dad has tried to remain cautiously optimistic about the trip (mostlyfor my sake, I think), but when I told him, he just said, "You're goingto Africa, aren't you?"

Yeah, I really think so!

I just wanted to give a quick update on the trip...

I have raised the full $2,000! :D Yesterday, another check camein that brought me to within $5 of my goal :shock: My little brotherwent into his room, came out and handed me a $5 bill, and said "You'regoing to Africa."

:D :D :D :D

Donations are still continuing to come in (praise God!) and nowthat my basics are covered, any extra money will go straight towardsthe work we're doing in Ethiopia.
CONGRATS!! I am so happy for you and

*a little jealous*

I have never been out of the counrty before but I am hoping to go toItaly one day. (That is where my dad was born) I am so glad that Godgot you through and you are going to help others out! Do you know thedate that you are leaving on?
At the moment, the tentative plan is to fly downto D.C. on July 14th, meet up with the rest of our group, and hang outin the area until the 16th when we fly to Ethiopia. We'll be backaround the 30th.