Just made quite a Big Decision

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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2004
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Just as a background:

I went on a missions trip to Romania almost two years ago, did serviceprojects and outreach and such with several others. Had an absolutelyamazing time, totally loved it, great all around! I couldn't get it outof my mind, and really wanted to do another trip, but with school andfinances it wasn't really feasable. So my plan was (and still is) tospend at least three months in Tanzania, Africa, with a PeaceCorps-style organization sometime between undergraduate and grad school*fingers crossed*.

Well, a guy in our church (heads up the local branch of Young Life, ifanyone knows what that is) pulled me aside this Sunday and asked if Iwanted to go to Africa. Um....yeah. I told him what my plan was, and hesaid that he had an opportunity for me to "get my feet wet", so tospeak:

2 weeks in Addis Ababba, Ethiopia, this summer :shock:

My initial reaction was (of course) excitement! It's a "select,hand-picked group" and we'll be helping out at a camp for local kids,and also spending time with children at an HIV orphanage. AIDs inAfrica is something I'm very much passionate about, so this reallystruck a chord with me.

Here's the thing, though: I need to come up with $2,000 in the next twomonths. So I'm super excited and super nervous. Hey, Ibelieve that if God wants me to go on this trip, He'll provide themoney (even if it means I'm stressing and pulling my hair out rightuntil the very last second. Great sense of humor, He has)

But of course, I don't expect it all to fall from the sky, so I'll bejuggling fundraising and writing support letters, in addition to work,school, and life. I could really use encouraging thoughts and prayers.I cannot express in words how excited I am to go on this trip. I knowit will be amazing, I just need lots and lots of prayers that the moneywill come in on time.
M.E. how great is that...God came a knockin' withan offer and you should definitely take him up on it. I will make sureto let Him know how much I think you deserve to go over there and how Iknow you will make a difference in some children's lives while you arethere.

I just know it will all work out for you and you will be able togo...but in the meantime I will certainly keep you in my thoughts andprayers and hope that the fund raising, etc., goes well.

Fergi's mom
Thought that was what you were going to choose if the trip wasn't what we were discussing yesterday :)

If you need someone to address letters or do any fund raising stuff, you know who to call... Erm... E-mail. ;)

That is great. I'm so happy for you yetso jelous. This is a wonderfull experience for you.I'd be more than happy to help you out withfunding.

I've sent you a PM.

Good luck


I'm so proud ofyou. A person has to go forth and make a difference when given theopportunity. You are young, you haven't started your familyyet,there's nothing holding you back.Spread yourwings and fly!

You are so full of love and life andcompassion. I so greatly admire you. I'd also like to make acontribution. Please PM me with your mailing address.

That's very exciting. I went to Hatilast spring with my church, it was wonderful. Trust in Godand you will find a way to get the money.

Prayers for you,

wow that is awesome, m.e.!!!!!!! youwanted to do that, God knew that you would be able to serve him thatway and he gave you the opportunity!!!! AND HE WANTS YOUTHERE so he will give you the money.i amreally excited for you! i have never been on a mission tripYET but hopefully i will be able to go on one. i just thinkthat you will do a great job earning rewards in heaven! (andhopefully here too! ;)) just take care of yourself when yougo and we will miss you!
WAYTO GO, m.e.!!

I'm so proud of the way you took the opportunity. The moneywillcome, I have no doubt that you'll figurethatout. GOOD FOR YOU!! You felt thefear, but did it anyway.

One has to take advantage ofthese things when they come upbecause you never know if you'll have anotherchance in thefuture. "A World Traveler" - it has a nice ring toit, doesn't it?


This is wonderful to hear.

I'm sure you will touch many lives when you are there and they will touch yours.

I'm very happy for you.
m.e. wrote:
I believe that if God wants me to go on this trip, He'll provide the money
Exactly right. :) Good luck! Sounds exciting!
I haven't gotten any more news yet, other than avery good friend of mine (Christine's sister, in fact) will also begoing on the trip. She was with my group in Romania, I'm really excitedshe can come too.

I sent out support letters this week, and have already had two repliesand I know several more are on their way. A couple donations came frompeople right here on this forum; their generosity is not only ablessing financially, but a real booster to me personally. So far Ihave $200. I'll be keeping track of donations and giving trip updateson my blog: http://www.xanga.com/spacemonkey1812

We're also throwing around a couple fundraising ideas, includingsomething called a "psychadelic toilet" :p Basically, you decorate atoilet, put it on someone's front lawn, and they give you a donation toget you to remove it. They also get to pick the next person's lawn toput it on. We'll be doing this to people in our church, starting withone of the pastors, in fact! It should be a lot of fun.

I'm also working up a possible eBay auction, and my boss has offeredher farm for hay rides or something to that affect. We're still workingout the details.

I appreciate all of your kind thoughts. Right now, 4 months seems likeforever, but I'm sure it'll fly by before I know it! I'm excited,nervous, feeling completely overwhelmed, and trusting that God willpull me through, every step of the way.
m.e. wrote:
psychadelic toilet

OMG what an awesome idea! I am so mentioning this to our youth groupfor fundraising for our mission trip, if you don't mind me using theidea of course. We are going to Tennessee this year. It is really hardto get onto to a mission trip at our church. You have to go through andinterview and then a one on one consultation, then if you pass that (IFis the key word here) then you have to go on a "mini mission trip" itslike a day or something, into Boston and work doing service projectsall day.....its VERY intense.

I know everything will work out for you!
