Just heard a story that made me really mad....

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Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2008
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Clare, , Ireland
Ok so just a couple of minutes ago my little brother came up to me and said 'My friend's sister got a rabbit for her birthday yesterday'. I was like 'Aww what kind of rabbit is it?' 'Who bought it for her?' stuff like that and then he says 'Ya but the dog killed it' I was like


So these people were keeping the rabbit outside in a hutch, that's fine, but they were keeping it outside with a dog who must have been obviously trying to get into the hutch because when they got up that morning the hutch was bust open with bits of the baby rabbit all over the garden :tears2:

How can people be so dumb? Even if they thought the dog wasn't going to be able to get into the hutch, why would you leave the rabbit out there all night in it's hutch with the dog jumping up, barking and chewing on the hutch? Poor thing must have been so stressed out, especially after being brought to a new home, and probably after being poked and prodded by a spoilt little girl all that day.

As if that wasn't bad enough, they are now planning on selling that ''stupid'' dog :banghead
Seems to me like it should be the stupid owners who should be sold! :X
Some people should not only not have pets and but children as well. I guess I'm being harsh but it sounds to me like an impulse buy with no thought of how to care for the rabbit. It wasn't the dog's fault and it should be punished by being sent away. Anyway....
pla725 wrote:
Some people should not only not have pets and but children as well. I guess I'm being harsh but it sounds to me like an impulse buy with no thought of how to care for the rabbit. It wasn't the dog's fault and it should be punished by being sent away. Anyway....
I know I feel so bad for the dog, I mean it should have been up to them to keep the dog away from the rabbit or the other way around! :X
That is a very sad story and would be very sad for the little girl to wake up to..

we have 2 dogs a staffy and a collie x kelpie and when the rabbits are out for their day run there is just a fence between them.. (it's taller than me)....

So both the dogs of course pace the fence and try as hard as they can to pull a rabbit threw etc..

all that happened while my husband was setting up the electric fence.. and Now they wont go near the fence at all..

If you are going to have rabbits and dogs there are ways around protecting the rabbits... Electric fence doesn't do any damage to the dogs (its a very mild one), and all we have to do is turn it on once a day so they remember and all is happy...

I would be so heart broken to see my kids faces if the dogs got to their rabbits..

BUT saying all that i would never ever ever put an out door hutch in the same yard as our dogs, NEVER......