Elf Mommy
Well-Known Member
I think I was mistaken.
I think I was mistaken.
It's our computer, well actually it used to belong to my older brother.When our basement flooded 2 years ago, it was under about 3 feet ofwater along with the rest of our stuff, so he bought a new one and gaveus this one which as you can see, doesn't work that well. We no longerkeep our computer on the floor because of what happened.were is your computer located. Is it yours? If so you mightnot be that poor.
I enjoy your hip-hop rabbits and you areenjoyment to this board at least I think that.I think we need you onthis forum.When it comes to kind of life you live with,I can very muchknow from my experience what your going though.Both my parents died at43 years old.My dad died in 1992, and my mom died in 1993,andI've been though many other situations in my life. You need to be onthis forum,just like me.From the pictures I saw of Megan and the onewith you with Megan,I can tell you love Megan.I think your great.Hm...now I see I'm a little "pre-teen" who disrespectseveryone. And this is a comment coming from an "adult". I don't believeI've ever disrespected anyone on this board in my life. I took all thattime to make "hip-hop" rabbits for everyone, tried to bring a littlejoy to this board, and when suddenly I make a few mistakes you all jumpdown my throat, tell me how all my friends are horrible people and sayI'm acting like I'm 11? If you've had any idea of the kind of life I'vehad to live with since my dad died then maybe you'd treat medifferently. I don't know. I do my best for Megan, but being poor,jobless and basically friendless there's little I can do to keep herhappy. And I'm sure she probably will die since I simply can't affordto spay her, but at least I'm trying to keep her happy. And if thismakes me a horrible person just like my friends, then so be it.