just got my girl spayed

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<3 my charmin girl

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Aug 14, 2009
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so i got my little girl spayed on monday and since then she has been acting "different." not so much in a bad way. i know it's only been a few days since the surgery but i can't find any information about post surgery.

i guess i should start out by letting you all know about charmin. she's around a year old. (i got her from a feed store so it's just a round about number. she was supposed to be 6 wks when i got her). she weighs 14 lbs and she's a new zealand mix

so anyway, before the spay i didn't change anything. she has her hay 24/7 and her pellets that she eats. she has a 6 ft 4 story cage that she lives in and free roam of my room. she liked to lay in bed with me, give kisses and is/was a wonderful bunny in general. so after the surgery she hid the first day or two and i've tried to make sure that she eats but she won't eat her pellets really. she picks at them but is chowing down on vegs and hay. not only that but her personality has changed too she's become extremely clingy. i love it but is it normal? she's also started nesting i guess? she digs in her towel and gets all comfy in it but she's so particular about where every piece is.

my question is this: when she comes around me she won't leave but it'skinda difficult at times to get her to come over. (probably just worrying too much that she is mad at me). is this going to change back to normal where she just does as she pleases and isn't trying to hide i guess would be the word. and when is she going to start using the levels of her cage? she's jumping on the bed so i assume that it doesn't hurt her anymore. and when is she going to start eating normal again? she's hardly touching her pellets. sorry for all of the info.

-worried mom
as far as her jumping up on levels i would keep her from jumping for at the very least 1 week. For the eating as long as she is eating something like the veggies and hay, and drinking water i would not worry too much about the pellets, also keep an eye and make sure she is pooping.

Spaying is so stressful to us bunslaves,lol. If she is acting off it just might be that she is still freaked about going to the vet and that experience.
I agree with Fran. When both of my girls were spayed, I know the vet said to not let them run, jump or climb on anything for 5-7 days. I know they couldn't return to normal activity until the stitches were removed.

She may just be trying to hide to rest and get better. If she is on pain meds that could make her a little sleepier, depending on what she is on. Some of them knock my buns out. Even if she gets up and plays for awhile she may be getting tired quicker because she is still healing and sore. I would give her a little more time to heal and she should be back to herself in no time.
she doesn't have stiches and the vet didn't give her any pain meds. i was told to wait 3 days for the jumping and she doesn't seem to be in pain... she's just acting goofy. the part i'm most worried about is the not eating the pellets thing. thank you so much!
Your rabbit needs pain meds....sounds to me like she is in pain. A spay is a major invasive surgery in which body parts are removed. Ask your vet if I can perform surgery on him/her without pain meds....and I am willingtotravel to prove my point. Incompetent vets just hit me the wrong way. If this vet really did not offer pain meds, I would file a complaint with your state's licensing board. No pain meds post op is nothing short of barbaric not to mention unprofessional. To give you an idea on pain meds....I offer my girls up to five days of a NARCOTIC post op. And all of my vets, which are all very experienced exotic/wildlife focus doctors are quick to pull the trigger on pain meds. I can't believe with all the information available that vets are still not offering pain meds.

My female was spayed at the shelters vet when we adopted her. They did not offer her any pain meds, and she as in major pain. I felt awful for her. I didn't have to worry about her not jumping, etc. All she wanted to do was lie on her back. It was 3-4 days before she started eating her pellets again. I was very scared and worried, but she was ok. It's very difficult but try not to stress yourself so you don't stress her more.
the vet that i chose has treated my sisters dog and was very thorough. as far as vets around me he was one of the two that does rabbit altering and i felt most comfortable with him. i know that rabbits are very different than other animals and figured that the dr knew best. the first two days she did act like she was in pain but it's not like she's hurting anymore. she's not acting like anything is painful. she hasn't started doing her bunny binkies but she is lying on her side in her comfy pose. the pain part isn't what i'm worried about (don't get me wrong, i know that my girl had a hard time and from now on i will be sure that with anything else she DOES have medicine) but how long does it take for them to get back to normal, and will they be normal after the spay?

my charmin is not a pet, she is part of my family. i just don't want to loose what i had with her.
I agree about the pain meds, sorry.

Rabbits are prey animals and so they hide their pain. They have obvious signs of pain like grinding teeth and not eating, but they also have more subtle signs of pain like needing more comfort.

I definitely think she is in pain and needs some pain medication to help her through this.

I can't imagine I would like my uterus removed without follow up STRONG painkillers, not sure a rabbit would like it either, they just hide it better than a person would.

I would think once she is no longer in pain she will return more to what she was like beforehand.
thank you everyone for your input. and just for the record i'm not against pain meds, i was just doing what my vet said. i've been following everything to a t.

i understand it is a major surgery, my mom had a hysterectomy. this morning she's back to chewing on my box springs and stealing my mail so she's getting back to normal slowly.
When I had Becca spayed the vet refused to give pain medicine, it had to fight and finely get a diffrent vet to give metacam for her. She had stopped eating which is why most rabbits die after surgery. Dumb vets do not give pain medicine, the rabbits stop eating and bam - dead rabbit. I now found an almost proper vet but I will not get into it about her.

After Becca's spay she has got agressive and totally changed. After working with her her agression has stopped but it was a major flip. Going from lovey to hateful. Kristi was the opposite, she was horribley agressive but after the spay she is nice as can be. It is just odd how they change, and a bit hurtful for you when you baby changes.

Just give her time. It took Becca a week to get over it, it only took Kristi 2 days. Becca had pain medicine, Kristi had none besides the pain shot.

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