Just brought home bunny today and he hasn't pooed in hours

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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2009
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San Antonio, Texas, USA
Well we just brought home a male holland lop bunny. I think he may be sick, he hasn't pooed and I can feel every bone in his spine. He's eating and drinking. All I can think of is that he is either mal nourished or he is blocked and can't poop. I gave him some timothy hay, which I don't think he had access to, and I am just praying he'll be okay.
I would get him to a rabbit knowledgeable vet tomorrow.; he should have lab work done and a general check-up.

can you give him some fluids ..maybe some pedialyte per syringe ? or put pedialyte in a bowl for him or water with a little apple juice in it

Where did he come from?
Yes, hydration is key. Syringing water or pedialyte is a good idea. Try to offer him the same pelleted food he was on before you bought him. Other things to offer are romaine lettuce (not the hearts of romaine), parsley, and dandelion greens. Unless he's too young to have these (they should only be fed as treats for bunnies younger than 5-6 mo).

Do you know age? What food he is on? If it has been more than 24 hours without pooing or eating it is time to go to the vet. He may just be stressed and would like some quiet time and the food he's used to.
I got him from a lady on cragslist. She also gave me almost a whole bag of hartz rabbit pellets. She said he is supposed to be about 8 months old. It's almost 11:00 here. I don't think I can do anything until tommorrow morning, and his appatite is great. He was eating grass and he loved the little piece of carrot I gave him. I was thinking about giving him some water melon to get things going in his tummy. I also noticed that the poor guy drank a ton of water which leads me to believe that maybe he just hasn't been well taken care of.

Please someone let me know if you think the watermelon would b a good idea for now.
That's good. Watermelon is ok but a bit sugary. It's a good way to get water in to him. If he's eaten grass and carrot, and drunk a lot of water, it sounds like he may just be stressed. Depending on how much carrot you gave (it's also sugary) you could probably give a little bit of watermelon. The rule is usually 2tablespoons of treat per day at max, more like 1T for little buns. He will probably start eating the pellets soon.
he looked like he was eating the pellet fine, just more interested in water, then when I gave him some hay he couln't leave it alone. He also was picking at the grass outside and eating it. He ate a two inch slice of carrot and I just gave him some leftover romaine which he checked out too. I may just be paranoid but the fact that he hasn't pooed at all scares me.
I would give him water but not watermelon because the sugar would not be good for him.

hartz food is a poor quality feed ..just about as bad as you can get. it is possible that this rabbit has not been fed and watered regularly.
it is great that you saved him :)

Don't give a lot of fresh grass as it will cause bloat. give hay if you can .
Usually, in my experience, if the bunny is eating well and drinking, he will eventually poop. If he starts refusing food and acting lethargic, then you know something is really wrong and it's an emergency. Give him as much food as he wants, do you have any parsley or apples? It sounds like he may have been one of those unluckly bunnies that was rarely fed anything other than pellets.
It would be a good idea to take him in to the vets, either way, just to have a good check up. Look up the good bunny vets on here to see where the best ones are nearest you. It does not cost very much and it will put your mind at ease.
I asked the lady what kind of food he had been eating so I could make sure to have it on hand. She told me that the breeder told her not to give the bunny "good" food because he would have too much energy:sigh: And I do have good news, this morning we found he had pooed quite a bit, but the pills are still small. :thumbup I m quite relieved though. Thank you everyone that answered and helped to ease my mind.:thanks:
Whew! The stress of being in a new environment must had made him not poo. Now that he's getting more comfortable, he'll know he's made it to a better home!
I own 3 chickens, a cat, a dog, 2 bettas, and now a little black holland with brown feet. I really feel good when I provide the best for my animals. I love when they are happy. When the lady told me what the breeder "supposedly" said, I knew I had to buy him and give him a better home.
That is so lovely - he will be a very happy bunny in no time - such a cute story about how he is getting on - I hope he is still improving and enjoying his new life with you!!!
When I got Pippin, he was just skin and bones too. I was quite concerned. Apparently he had only been fed on hay all his 8 weeks of life.
Is it just me or is that weird? They told me, he had never had pellets, veg (I understand he is young) or grass.

I just thought- if you have a baby of any species, they should be putting on weight and definatley not look starving- if they are then maybe their diet isn't good!

But anyway I introduced him to good quality pellets, a little veg at the beginning and nibbles of grass. He put on weight in no time! And now he's grown up to a huuggee healthy bunny (dwarf my a*** :) )

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