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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2005
Reaction score
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
I am trying to house my male (neutered)dutchrabbit with a female mini lop. They get along very well,but he humps her often (and seems to never be able to find the correctend :p). The male has been neutered for 2 months now. Willthis behavior eventually disapear after she is spayed (the vet wantedto wait until next month for the spay because she isyoung)?or will he continue to annoy her no matter what? He nolonger makes that muskey smell when he gets'excited' andhistesticals are compleatlygone now, he looks likea female.I would like to house them together because they getalong well and they could keep each other company.

My dutchrecentally began extibiting this behavior more often,and spraying urine. I introducted a new intact male rabbit tothe room (see my post about finding a dumped bunny). I will neuter thisrabbit soon if no one claims him, I am waiting to see if his ownershows up. Is this a reaction to the new rabbit? My male dutch hates himand has tried to bite him through the cage bars.

Thanks for any advise.
Hi Krissa. Yes, your Dutch is tryingto tell the "intruder" that the place belongs to HIM. Malesare super territorial, even after they've been neutered. Ihad this problem and had to re-home one of my males.

As far as the mounting behavior goes, this may never stop.It's not necessarily sexual behavior, but dominance. I havetwo spayed females and the little one mounts the other's head on apretty regular basis. She's trying to show her who'sboss. Hee hee. The big one could rip her apart ifshe wanted to! Shelets her know when she's tired ofit.

As long as they're not fighting, they should be okay. Yourpoor girl may just have to learn to put up with theannoyance. When you see it happening, just remove him,putthe palm of your hand on his head, and say "no".This usually works with mine.


Thanks for the info, my girl doesn't seem toobothered by it and the cage is very large so she can get away if hepesters her too much. Most of the time they just snuggle with eachother (its soo cute).
I agree with Laura about the spraying and the humping.

I have 2 female Flemish Giants who are both too young to be spayed, butlive together. They love each other and get along great, butoccasionally Delilah, the smaller one, will hump Anissa (on eitherend). I always scold her about it, but Anissa just looks ather like she's insane.

Must be a thing with the little ones.Sprite does that to Fey, and Fey could definately beat Sprite up if shewanted to- she's at least a pound heavier. That's a lot for adwarf!
Yes, after our male (Cocoa) was fixed, ourfemale (Clover) humped his head like "how do you like it?Huh?" She had been fixed for ages.


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